episode 03 - TEACHER'S PET!

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You woke up in an infinitely pitch black room. The only light source seemed to be a spotlight on you. Beginning to fear for the worst, you tried to get up, only to realize you'd been tied down to a chair from your hands and legs.

"Hello Y/N." The sudden familiar voice startled you, yet you didn't reply.

"Aw, come on..say something with your oh so sweet voice, why don't you?"

As the voice made sound again, you recognized who it came from.


"What do you want from me?" You replied, your voice tight.

She stayed quiet for a second.

"Not even going to say 'hi' back? Whatever happened to the cheerful Y/N I used to know?"

"Don't act like you didn't do anything wrong, you fucking psycho." Your heartbeat began to speed up, each beat being loud enough to be heard.

"I didn't even do anything and you're already in a bad mood." She walked around to face you and kneeled down to your level.

"What the hell do you want from me?" You loudly repeated yourself.

Again, she stayed quiet for a bit as if contemplating what to say next.

Your breath quickened and grew louder.

Finally, she smiled. "Keep all of your friends close. You never know what might happen to them." She stood up and walked into the dark.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

She never said anything back.

Then, everything faded into white.


You woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and Funneh obnoxiously banging on your door.

"Y/N wake up alreadyyy. Your alarm is annoying"

You quickly shuffled to turn it off.

"Sorry about that!"

"Another nightmare...Why does this have to keep happening?" You thought to yourself.

Shaking the fear off, you quickly got up, changed out of pajamas and walked into the kitchen, where Gold was making breakfast. Or at least attempting to. And failing.

You walked up to the fridge and looked through it.

"Hey Y/N, how did you sleep last night?"

Not looking away from the fridge, you replied "It was alright I suppose. It wasn't horrible, just not the best, y'know?"

"Yeah, I guess.. It was kind of cold. For me anyway"

You and Gold talked about how yesterday went, Funneh called the both of you to look at some letter she'd found in the mailbox.

"Guys look! We have a letter" she was holding a white envelope in her hand

"Ooohh from who?" You closed the fridge door and walked towards Funneh

"I'm not sure.. Let's read it" she ripped the envelope open, and a piece if paper and money fell out.

Funneh grabbed the letter and began to read out loud:

Dear Funneh, Gold, and Y/N,

Today's class will be cancelled due to the little stunt you pulled off yesterday. To pay for your shenanigans, I will be assigning you three to pick out the class pet for this semester. There is some money enclosed. Please pick wisely...

Itsfunneh Yandere High School: "My Lies Within" (reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now