episode 04 - THE CRAZY STALKER!

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A/N : heyy! I just wanted to say some things before we begin! First of all, im so sorry that updates are slow. Believe me or not, just 5 minutes of an episode takes me at least an hour to write. I get distracted easily and I constantly pause the video to write down scenes. PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH MEE 😭

Secondly, Like mentioned before, some scenes and characters are added or modified so that you can have your own experiences! One character that has been added is Alex. I'm keeping them gender neutral for everyone but please know that they can be any gender you want and they can look how ever you want! (Doesn't matter what the book says) I plan to have Alex be your love interest so look out for that!

That's about it. Luv u all! Hope u enjoy the chapter ^-^


Funneh had gone to StarBucks to get us some coffee some time ago and hadn't returned yet

While I personally wasn't too worried, Gold was quickly getting impatient. She kept sending Funneh a text for every 2 seconds she wasn't at the dorm

After at least 500 messages to Funneh, Gold finally got a reply

"She said she's on her way to the dorm! I can't wait to surprise her!"

"You'll surprise her alright. You literally bought more things that we didn't need" I looked at Gold from the kitchen.

Gold had recently gotten a credit card and had bought everything she wanted with it. Most of those things were completely unnecessary.

We heard the door to the dorm open

"Y/N...what is all of this?" Funneh looked at me with a face of complete confusion

"Don't look at me! This is all Gold's doing!" Gold started to walk towards Funneh, revealing the new credit card.

"Funneh, look at what I got! Check it out, it's my very own credit card! It says you can buy anything you want with it" Gold was clearly very excited to show off the new things she had bought

"Oh my god..you bought more pets?" Funneh looked around the living room

"Yes! I also bought us new food, new pots and pans, and look at all the new pets"

Funneh looked unsure of what to think about all of this

"You bought a hamster?" Funneh walked towards a hamster ball and looked inside of it

"Aren't hamsters adorable?" Gold seemed to calm about all of the money she had spent

Funneh looked around the dorm room again "And a German Shepherd?"

"Yeah! I told you I love dogs"

I walked next to where Gold was just to see what was happening. Funneh was walking into her room

"Wait, Gold, where's my rabbit?"

Gold looked at me, then back at Funneh "Uhh..we don't know"

"Hey! Don't bring me into this! You were the one buying things left and right, Gold!"

"Yeah, but you didn't stop me from buying anything, now did you?"

Itsfunneh Yandere High School: "My Lies Within" (reader insert)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora