Artificial (Part 1)

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"Jungkook! Will you slow down? Please!", I screamed looking at him sitting in the backseat. I was tied down. My wrists and ankles bound together.

Before you ask me that whether I was kidnapped or not, I'd like to clarify that I was not. Jungkook and me were dating for the past 2 years and bounding each other was one of our kinks. So here I was tied at the backseat of the Cadillac Jungkook was driving.

It was the season of monsoon and a storm was approaching our town soon.
We were heading towards our shared house.

"No babe. I can't and won't slow down. I'm built for danger.", Jungkook glanced at me from the rear view mirror giving me a smirk.

"Will you shut up? It's Fucking raining so hard, the roads are slippery."

"Nope", Jungkook ignored my words and pressed on the accelerator hard.

We were approaching the hanging bridge soon. Even though I hated storms and driving in the rain, I tried to keep my mind sane.

"Jungkook, will you atleast slow down when we drive over the bridge?", I pleaded him.

"We'll see baby. Btw you look so sexy when you're stressed.", Jungkook turned back and winked at me.
I rolled my eyes at his remark.
"Just drive." I said dismissing him.

We finally reached the bridge and suddenly Jungkook started speeding up more.

"Jungkook will you fucking--", our car lost it's balance and crashed on the the bridge pillars.

The crash was brutal. Our car flipped multiple times. Me and Jungkook were hanging upside down tied up from our seatbelts.

"J-jungkook?", I croaked. I pulled at my wrists trying to free them. Tears were streaming down from my eyes. My body hurt everywhere.

"Babe, are you a-alright?", Jungkook groaned.

Pulling extremely hard on the rope tied on my wrists, I freed them cutting my wrists in the process. After freeing myself I opened my seat belt and crawled towards Jungkook.

The scene in front of me horrified me to my core.
The steering wheel crushed Jungkook's chest and went straight inside. Pieces of glass also cut him everywhere. Blood was flowing out of his chest soaking his white teeshirt in the process. His eyes were closed, his breath faint.

"Jungkook", I screamed and pressed on his chest trying to stop the blood.

"Aaahh", Jungkook groaned.
"Babe, I don't think I will be able to survive. It hurts, it hurts too much."

"No, stop. Stop speaking shit. You'll be alright.", I said pressing on his chest a little more.

"I'm sorry babe for not listening to you. I wish I had more time with you.", Tears escaped Jungkook's eyes. He was looking so miserable. Jungkook's eyes started drooping down slowly.

"Jungkook?", I screamed shaking him a little.

"I love you baby. I'll love you forever.", Jungkook whispered and closed his eyes.

"No. This can't happen. I won't let this happen. Rage filled me.", I sobbed loudly.

Bending a bit more I checked his breath.
His breath was faint but it was still there. He was breathing.
Determination filled me and I decided that instant I would get him back alive.

I pulled him out of the car slowly and laid him down on the wet road. Heavy rain poured on us. I sheilded his body from it by hovering over him.
Soon headlights of a car was shining on us.

"Ma'am are you alright?", a man came out from his car and bent on his knees.
He discovered Jungkook.

"Oh god, he needs to go to the hospital.", he shouted.

"Can you please take us home? My brother is a surgeon and he will help him. I called him just now.", I lied to him.
The man looked at me with a sense of unsurity.

"Are you sure ma'am?", he asked.

"100%. Please hurry.", I said holding Jungkook's limp body in my arms.

The man held Jungkook and put him in his car. We reached our place in about 15 mins.

Putting Jungkook's body in our bedroom, I thanked the man.
"Thank you so much sir, if you wouldn't have been there at the right time then I don't think I would be able to save my boyfriend.", I said joining my hand and lowering my head down.

"It's okay. I'm glad I could be of help. But where is your brother who would help him?"

"He is in the upper floor preparing for the surgery. Don't worry about it. Thank you so much again", I hurriedly showed him the door. He seemed to not believe me but didn't object me.

He was about to leave when I asked him," Uhmm can I get your name?"
"It's Seokjin. Kim Seokjin." And with that he left.

"That was a close call", I breathed out.

Making my way towards my bedroom I opened it and reached where Jungkook was lying. He had lost a huge amount of blood.
I knew no one would be able to save him.

Me and Jungkook were doctors.
Seeing his condition it was understandable that it was impossible to revive him as a human.

Now the only option left for me was the PLAN ARTIFICIAL.

Plan Artificial was a project which me and Jungkook created. We weren't sure if it was legal but it was what it was.
Both me and him were gifted. Being the prodigies in our fields we decided on an alternative way of living. 

A life were our body was dead but soul was still living.
Bodies made up of synthetic but underneath it would be all human.
The brain, spinal cord and nervous tissue would be intact.

Underneath it all, it would still be Jungkook. My Jungkook.

I was aware I had very less time. Before his breath left him, I had to convert him into the new Jungkook. I put myself into work right that instant.

After what felt like a lot of hours, I was done. It was a great feat that I had accomplished.
Well not only me, Jungkook and me both had accomplished it together.

I just had to wait till his system was ready and he would open his eyes.

I turned my head and glanced at him. He looked so real, yet he was unreal. I glided my fingers on the tip of his nose and went further down and touched his soft lips.

So soft. So smooth. Tears welled in my eyes. I was so happy that I got my Jungkook back.

Before I could remove my hands from his lips, a very cold hand gripped mine. It was Jungkook's.

I shivered. Were we successful in accomplishing this task? Could I really convert him properly? What if his memories are wiped out?
All of these questions clouded my confidence.
I was sure in mine and Jungkook's capabilities but with a task as major as this, anything could happen.

"Ughh", Jungkook mumbled.

"Jungkook. Are you alright?", I asked him eagerly holding his face in my hands. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Umm where am I? And Jungkook? Are you talking about me?". Jungkook asked me as if he didn't know me. His eyes held a sense of unfamiliarity.

My heart sank at the bottom of my chest.
I showed him our pictures together on my iPhone but he was looking at me bewildered.

Jungkook was gone.


I hope you guys would like this chapter. It's a bit different but I tried my best.

Only a small part of this chapter is from the series Love, Death & Robots, Episode 4 Snow in the Desert. It's available on Netflix. That episode was pretty cool.
But don't worry that episode is not at all similar to my chapter.
If you haven't watched the series then I would highly recommend you guys to watch.😁

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