Chapter 22

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As soon as I stuck one foot on that stage I felt like I was going to puke. I took a deep breath and my uneasy feeling slightly went away but it was still there waiting to make an appearance.

"Bro just take a deep breath. We are going to smash this."

Brad started playing some notes, then Angie started playing.

Some how I managed to play the correct notes.... then the voice of an angel made the whole room go silent.

I love this song.... it's the song the four of us first sang together.

The song that made us complete.

Once the song was finished, all my worry had gone away... and I felt stupid for being scared in the first place.

"See Jack I told you.... now let's go and get changed, we only have two minutes until the next song."

"I know but I feel dumb for being scared in the first place."

"That is life bro... we better get going before Angie has a nervous break down."

I don't even know how we managed to get changed into a whole outfit in the space of two minutes but we did it anyway.

"Ok.... the next song is Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the diamonds so remember the set up. Jack me and you are playing. Fran and Angie are singing the whole time."

"Ok got it. Let's go."

I have to admit... Fran looks so damn sexy when she sings this song and I honestly thought Brad was trying to hide a boner behind is drum set.... he could not keep his eyes on Angie.

That song seems to be an even bigger hit... but then again.. we have to give credit to the original artist for creating such an amazing song.

We just couldn't stop...... we just didn't want to stop.... but when it came to the last song I was curious about what Angie and Fran have planned.... yeah we all know what the song is but then again they have probably got more than once trick up their sleeves.

"Guys are you two ready because me and Angie have a a big intro."

"Yeah we are ready... let's get it over with."

Brad sat behind his drums...... I stood holding my guitar.... and at that exact point.... My father walked into the auditorium...... He came to see me....

I was about to shout his name but Fran started to sing and jesus christ.... I knew she could sing but I didn't know she could sing like that...... I didn't know Angie's voice was that strong either.

The whole time... I stared at my dad.... I didn't stop playing... I just stared at him wondering how he knew I was here.

I could see my mom in the front row..... sat with Fran's mom.

As the song started to end... Angie and Fran let out a belter of a note.

The whole crowd got up and gave us a standing ovation like no other.

I couldn't help but burtst into tears..... I was just so happy... this is what we have wanted for a long time... even my dad came to see me.

My mom was about to get up... but my dad beat her to it. I out my guitar down and ran over to him... pulling him into a big hug.

"I'm sorry dad. I didn't mean those things I said."

"I know. I was an idiot... I swear I will never do anything like that again."

"How did you know I was here?"

"I knew your concert was today. I wanted it to be a surprise...."

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