Chapter 4

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"Look Fran, you do not have to sit with us if you don't want to."

"I want to. It's only for today. What makes you think I don't want to?"

"The fact that it looks like your on drugs. What are you worried about?"

"I would never tell you that. I know what kind of person you are."

"You don't even know me..... there is a lot more to me than the fact I am a gang leader.... why don't you want to get to know me?"

"This isn't the movies. In real life the girl never gets the guy."

"This is strictly a friends thing like I promised. You want to go and talk somewhere else?"


"Hey Brad.... Fran wants to show me something cool. See you later."

He waved his hand and carried on flirting with Angie even though she kept flipping him off.

We walked down the hall and into the auditorium. I sat on the edge of the stage but Fran just stood in front of me, avoiding my gaze.

"Fran please sit down.... your making me feel like I'm about to be lectured."

She sat down about two metres away from me but she just stayed silent.

"What is getting on your nerves Fran, other than me?"

"Why do you think I came to this school Jack?"

"I don't know. All I know is you moved here from California."

"I moved here to get a fresh start."

"Why did you move?"

"I didn't like the person I had become back in California. My name has always been Fran but I haven't always been this person."

"Did you used to be a guy or something?"

"No Jack. I know it sounds pathetic but back in California I was the most popular girl in school. I practically ran the place, everyone was scared of me and everyone wanted to be my friend."

"That sounds good though."

"Let me finish..... at the end of my first year at high school my sister went to a party with me. She was only fourteen at the time, everyone was drinking. My parents told me to keep an eye on her, but like an idiot I left her in the house while I helped make a bon fire. When I went back inside she was gone, I started to freak out because I knew my parents would kill me. Everyone started looking for her...... we found her after about an hour."

"Was she ok?" At this point she was in tears. "You can tell me Fran."

"Turns out a few kids from my grade had said we were all going to the park. So she went with them thinking I was already there........ they beat her up..... left her there. She was in hospital for three months. She is ok now but it was scary because they almost beat her half to death. The day before we moved, I promised her I would never become the bitch ever again....."

"God... I am so sorry Fran."

"It's fine.. but if you ever tell anyone any of this I will literally kill you."

"I won't tell anyone, I promise."

"Now you know why I am trying to avoid your crowd."

"They are not my crowd."

"I can't be around you Jack..... we can do the project together but that is it. I cannot get into any sort of trouble."

"Why can't we be friends?"

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