Chapter 6

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For the first time in a while I am actually awake early enough to have breakfast.... My mom came into the kitchen and practically almost had a heart attack because she wasn't expecting anyone to be in the kitchen when she woke up.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"I just thought that it was about time that I started getting myself out of bed so you won't have to worry about me being late all the time."

"Ok. How did everything go yesterday?"

"Amazing actually. Fran decided to give me a chance after I explained everything to her. I also showed her ther real me and not the bad boy that everyone thinks I am. I am not like that and I never will be."

"I know who you are Jack... So does she that is all that matters."

I smiled at her and then checked my phone.... a message from Fran.
'I'm giving you a ride to school. I will be outside at 8:15am.'

"Honey do you want a ride to school?"
"No thanks. Fran is giving me a ride."
"Ok. I will be home early tonight so maybe we can watch a movie or something."
"Yeah sure."

Ten minutes later she was at work and I was eagerly waiting for Fran to be outside my house in her shiny silver Audi.....
She was there literally at 8:15 on the dot.. Some guys would find that really creepy but it just made my interest in her grow even larger.
She got out of the car and walked towards my front door.... a few seconds later she rang the door bell and I shot out of the chair and ran to the front door.
I checked my hair in the mirror before opening the door.

"Hi Fran come in."
"I would have waited outside but I didn't know if you saw me."
"No it's fine... you want a breakfast burrito to go?"
"Yeah sure..... your house is huge..... I noticed the indoor pool by the way."
"I hardly ever use it actually. Is your pool inside or outside or is it both?"
"It's outside but I don't really like using it. The chlorine smell makes me gag."
"That's a bit strange. I thought everyone liked swimming.... Then again your not everyone."

She smiled at me.... God that killer smile.... It can leave even the most stubborn people in awe.
"Jack your spacing out again."
She took the burrito out of the microwave and started to walk towards the front door.

"I will be in the car when your ready."
"No I am ready.... Hang on."

I grabbed my rucksack from the bottom of the stairs and ran after her closing the front door behind me.

When I reached the passenger seat the car was already started and ready to go.
"So how long have you had your car?"
"It was a present for my 16th birthday so I guess around 11 months."
"How fast does it go?"
"I never asked the guy at the dealership and I am going to tell you now that we will not be doing any drag races."
"This car is too good to be in a drag race anyway."
"You got that right."

Getting out of the car with Fran made dozens of people's heads turn..... mouths wide open because normally I would arrive at school alone.... they will just have to adjust.
"Everyone is staring....."
"Fran do not not even finish that sentence."
"You are about to quote the first twilight movie and I hated that series."
"Oh.... I found that series kind of predictable.... not very realistic."
"Imagine if vampires were real.... Would you want to be one?"
"Why not?"
"I can't stand the sight of blood."
"I don't know whether to find that hilarious or kind of sad."
"Maybe a little bit of both."
"We better get to class or we are road kill."
"Maybe I like to live dangerously Jack."
"Don't lie to me.... as you said 'don't bullshit a bullshitter'"
"Your bullshitting me right now."

She gave me gentle shove before running down the hall..... She stopped when she reached the door to home room.
God she drives me crazy.


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