Chapter 1

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CHAPTER ONE - Parenting sucks

Some how my parents think it is helpful to lecture me about my behaviour at least three times a week and every time I back chat my dad yells at me and says "Do not talk to your mother that way, she gave birth to you so the least you can do is show her some respect!"

I do show her respect, all the time but I just do not see why I should have to listen to them constantly talking about me as if I am not even here.

"Mom, I'm going to the store!"

"Do not be back late you have school tomorrow."

"I know mom."

I closed the door behind me before she could chase me across the front yard holding a sweater about three sizes too small for me.

It is almost time for summer vacation so I don't think I need to where sweaters now.

Besides if the boys saw me wearing a sweater that my mom knitted for me five years ago they will probably beat the shit out of me twice.

I got into my car and started the engine and just as I was about to drive away my phone started to ring.... I looked at it and immediately sent it straight to voice mail. Angie.... she is the hottest girl at school and the head cheerleader and she is literally obsessed with me and she has been ever since I refused to take her out on a date.

She still has not given up... she just isn't my type. I haven't found my type yet.

I kind of know my type and Angie just isn't it..... if she was more real then I might consider taking her out. It will just never happen......

I didn't actually need to go to store I just wanted to get out of the house because my parents are driving me crazy.

Oh well..... I parked the car and walked into the store. Obviously I can't buy beer because I'm only 17 so I picked up a crate of coke and walked to the check out.

The cashier passed me her number..... she's hot but again she isn't my type.

"Jack... oh my god hey!"

I turn round to see Angie stood directly behind me..... do I really have to deal with this right now.

"Hey Angie."

"You didn't answer my call."

"Yeah sorry my phone died.... so what's up?"

"Nothing really. You want to take me to Gina's party this friday?"

"I'm not going."


"I don't really like Gina."

"We can just ignore her... or you can take me out to dinner."

"Angie... your just not my type. End of."

"Then what is your type Jack? Just tell me what it is and I can be anything for you...."

"I will know my type when I see it but I'm sorry... your just not it."

"We are like made to date each other. Your the hottest guy in school, I'm the hottest girl in school....."

"Not everything in life is based on looks Angie. I have to go... see you tomorrow."

I kind of speed walked out of the store because I knew Angie would not be able to follow me at the same speed in her heels.

Although I would find it hilarious if she did fall over.... and then I would help her up. Don't get me wrong Angie is a good friend but I would just want to shoot myself if I dated her because she is just too artificial.


"Angie was looking for you again."

"I know I saw her at the store."

"Why won't you take her out Jack?"

"Don't start Brad."

"She will get off your case if you do."

"I just don't see her as my type because she isn't..... she practically stalks me. It's weird."

"I bet she would be amazing in bed."

"Yeah but how many guys has she hooked up with?"

"Probably almost all the guys in our grade."

"Exactly.... yeah I hook up with girls but I at least stay friends with them instead of ignoring them. I don't understand why you ignore them afterwards Brad. It just makes them feel shitty..."

"Hey it is not my fault that they find me to sexy."

"Not funny."

"Your parents still driving you crazy?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"Jack they only do it because they care."

"Since when did you have a sensitive side Brad?"

"I am secretly a girl."

"That would explain so much... you did use to wear your moms heels round the house."

"That secret stays between us."

I punched him the arm and he punched me back, The typical bro friendship.......


Hey guys this is just a trial chapter so let me know what you think and the next chapter will be done and uploaded later today. MERRY CHRISTMAS

All americanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora