Chapter 8

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The next morning I was really trying to make Fran see the fact that she could use her powerful voice to get into the music industry but she just lacks the confidence and he motivation.

"Come on Fran this is New York City.... Anything can happen here. It is the city of a million difference opportunities."

"I just don't see myself having a career in the music industry."

"The point is do you want to be a singer Fran."

"Yeah but I also want to be a doctor."

"You could get a career in the music industry but you can still go to college and study medicine."

"That would just be extra pressure.... how about I go to college first and then go to LA. If things didn't work out I would still be a qualified doctor so I would have a back up plan."

"That works too.... Don't worry me, Brad and Angie would go with you."

"But do they want to?"

"We have wanted to be recognised as artists for years. It would be our big break. Do you want to share our dream Fran?"

"Of course I do...... But why do you believe in me so much?"

"I really do believe in you Fran.... Because I can see that you are a truly remarkable human being and I know for a fact that you put the people you care about before yourself every single time. Your also really brave.... I like that in a girl. Did you get home before your mom flipped out last night?"

"She was still at work when I got home.... It doesn't really surprise me to be honest. That's why I don't really make plans with her anymore because she always has to cancel them because of her work."

"That sucks. On the bright side you are always welcome at my house. So are you all set to do the project tomorrow?"

"Yeah. You know what's crazy Jack?"


"Four days ago I thought you were kind of an idiot... and you are practically my best friend."

"We still have just over a year of school left...... we have along time to find out everything about each other. Not in a weird way.... When you think about it, no one can know everything about one person.... For example in a few years time we won't be student anymore and not everyone I the world will know that."

"Wow that was deep.... I told you that you are smart. You just hide it."

"Wow you really can read me like a book."

"Jack I could read you like a book right from the start."

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!

"Hey Fran..... if neither of us have a prom date for senior prom... Well a week before it happens.... we should go together... as friends of course."

"Deal but I think it is pretty clear that you will have a date for senior prom next year. You never know really."

God she gets on my nerves.... But in a beautifully smart way...... God her walk is so graceful that she may as well be floating on a cloud the whole time and the way she looks at me makes me want to melt like butter.... that might sound girly but when I look at her.... When I talk to her.... Nothing else matters.

"Fran why do you like you haven't slept in like a week?"

"My mom wasn't back by midnight last night so I got worried so I couldn't sleep. She came back at like 5am so then I only got like two hours sleep."

"Right I am driving us to school in your car. After school I will drive you home and leave your car at your house. I will walk home from there.... It's only round the corner so I think I will be fine."

"Thanks Jack."

"On,y the best for my favourite girl."

"Don't push it Jack."


I walked into home room and noticed that Brad and Angie were awkwardly close to each other. Brad spotted me and ran over like an excited puppy happy to see its owner after only a few hours of being home alone.

"Guess who got laid last night.... I have to tell you Jack Angie is amazing in bed."

"You two only got together yesterday!"

"Come on bro you can't hide a boner."

"Brad you have no class."

"Give me a break Fran. Jack really likes you by the way."

I looked at her in shock.....

"Yeah me and Jack are just friends, but nice joke anyway Brad."

I sighed with relief.......

I sat there awkwardly for the rest of home room... she had just basically kicked me right into the friendzone but then again I am glad that she did. It means I can avoid any sort of humiliation.


Brad has been laughing at me all day..... being put in the friendzone is the second most humiliating thing that can happen to a guy..... the most humiliating thing is being rejected.

Fran probably knows that what Brad said is true but I can't admit that can I?

Oh god I am acting like such a girl.

"OK..... Fran promise me that you will get at least eight hours sleep tonight."

"Yeah I promise. Thanks for driving me home Jack."

"No problem. See you tomorrow."

I walked down the street without looking back because that would clearly be a sign that I literally would kiss the ground she walks on if she asked me...... is that weird?

Back at my house I was shocked to see that my moms car was in the driveway.....

I walked into the house and found her in the office.

"Mom, I thought you were staying at work late."

"Nope. I swapped shifts with someone so I could spend some more time with you."

"Thanks mom that means a lot..... Brad told Fran that I like her."

"What did she say!?!"

"I don't know if she believed him but it still made it awkward for the whole day. She also basically put me in the friendzone."

"You can also get out of the friendzone. At first your dad was stuck in the friendzone....... as I have told you for the past five days... give it time."

Trust me I pretty much have all the time in the world.


Chapter eight done! Sorry that its a bit short but tomorrow it will be longer. Enjoy!

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