Chapter 9

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I literally cannot think of any ways that I could possible get out the friend zone.
A romantic gesture just seems really tacky and stupid just because these days girls get a bit freaked out when a guy does that.
A more modern day gesture is proposing but that would be absolutely crazy considering I have only known her for five days.

It is currently 11am and I am waiting for Fran to arrive do we can work on the project.... Why am i so nervous and excited why do i feel so excited? It is only a study session just as friends.

"Jack Fran is here!"

"I am in my room just send her up!"

Thirty seconds later I found myself standing the middle of my room in front of Fran which is kind of a weird situation.

"Do you want to sit down?"

She nodded and sat down at my desk... I sat next to her and awkwardly reached over her grab my laptop.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?"

"Oh yeah and my mom was actually home on time so I guess that kind of helped."

"You also need the right amount of sleep tomorrow because we obviously need to go to Brads for practise and we will most likely work on it all day."

"Got it."

She seems really awkward with me today. Is it something that I said or did? Maybe I should just ask her or will that make me seem too needy or a bit weird?

"Fran are you ok?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"You just seem really awkward today."

"Says the dude who stood there staring at me for a full two minutes before offering me a seat."

"Still..... Are you ok?"

"Yeah I found it awkward to walk into your room..... bit of a weird situation."

"I know right! Sorry..... must have been a brain fart."


"A brain fart.... where you say dumb shit by accident."

"Yeah I don't think that is going to catch on Jack."

"Give it time..... It's like finding a cure for deadly diseases.... It hasn't happened yet but the whole world just needs to give it more time."

"I swear to god you come out with something lovely and philosophical at least once a day."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Jack it's a good thing.... You are a bit of an ass sometimes but other than that your an amazing guy."

So she has friend zoned me.... But she also called me an amazing guy that just happens to be a bit of an ass..... sometimes.

I think I am making progress.... Kind of.

"So what ideas do you have for the cover art?"

"It should be hand made so it clearly shows that we put at least some effort into it. Have you started the research yet?"


"Ok you start that and I will carry on cutting out all the letters. Remember to put it into paragraphs and reference anything that you didn't put into your own words."

"I did read the briefs you know."

She smirked at me before saying "just checking"

I smiled back and turned to the laptop screen..... my Facebook flashed up showing that I had been reading the messages Fran sent me a few days ago.... I quickly closed the browser and opened a new one hoping that Fran didn't see what was on the screen.
Damn that was a close one... Then again if she did see the screen then she would still be too nice to say anything about it do either way I am probably screwed.... again.


It literally took all day to do the research and we just spent most of the time messing around and seeing who throw the most paper balls into the trash can from the far side of the room..... No surprise that I won but something is telling me that Fran let me win.
If that is the case then she hides it very well.... but if your ever met her you probably couldn't help but love her.

"You want two stay for dinner?"

"No thanks I better get home.... There was a delivery of furniture to my house this morning and my mom wants me to unpack it."

"I can come over and help if you want."

"It's onto a few dining room chairs so I will be fine. Thanks anyway. See you tomorrow... I will pick you up in the morning."

"Yeah.... Bye."

I might sound like a weirdo stalker but every time I see her walking away from me I just get so emotional like I want to cry but I don't because then it will technically make me a total pussy.
That is such a weird word though isn't it..... I can't believe it has somehow become an insult.

It is like when we were in elementary school everyone used to go around calling each other buttholes. Now you're u are considered a total weirdo if you walk up to someone and call them a butthole.

Getting back to the point..... Fran just sets my emotions into over drive. If she is happy then I am happy but if she is sad I will be sad..... it is just so complicated and it just seems too good to believe because she has only been in my life for almost a week and my feelings for her are already this strong and I just don't know what to do. God I sound like a girl on her period.......
If a man period exists then it must be my time of the month.

This whole entire situation gets on my nerves but then again if the situation wasn't around then I would be doing nothing with my time apart from getting Angie to leave me alone..... I am glad she has finally found an actual boyfriend though.

"Jack I'm off to work I will see you tomorrow night!"

"Ok. Love you mom."

"Love you to."

Sometimes she has to go to work at night and the come back in the morning but of course she has to sleep all day otherwise she would not be able to function properly.
I can't blame her for working a lot because she wants to carry on climbing the work ladder... Yeah she is her own boss but she also wants to take it international.... so there is something for me to inherit when she is no longer on this earth but trust me my mom is going to be around for a very long time.

Me, Fran, Brad and Angie can do the same thing. We can movie to LA and become the biggest band the world has ever seen..... Well even if that happened..... No one will ever be bigger than One Direction.


"Jack you were supposed to be ready by now."

"I know but I kind of over slept."


"I was working on a new song and I didn't realise what the time was."

"Ok then, is the song any good?"

"I don't know because it's not finished yet. We better get going or Brad I will have an absolute shit fit."

"Jack what the hell is a shit fit?"

"It is Brads version of a tantrum..... Surely you understand that one."

"Yeah kind of.... Come on let's go."

I am kind of worried about Fran being in Brads house only because his brother is a total ladies man but he is also a player that doesn't care about anyone that he happens to hurt along the way.

"Jack if you don't stop being weird I will stop the car and beat you with my shoe until you tell me what is wrong."

"There is nothing wrong. I promise."

"Are you telling me the truth?"

"Yes I am telling the truth."

"I only ask because I care and you know that for sure. It will be nice to meet Brads family."

Yeah that is what I am afraid of.


Hey guys that is chapter nine done. I need a name for Brads older brother so I would be happy to get any suggestions from you guys. Also chapter ten will be finished and uploaded tomorrow

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