Chapter 10

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As soon as we walked into the house, Alex's ears pricked up like a dog.... running down the hall and practically jumping on her.

"Hi I'm Alex.... I haven't seen you around school before."

"That is because your a senior idiot."

"Shut up Brad no one asked you."

"And I answered anyway.... we are busy so go chase other girls."

He walked away down the hall and I sighed in relief as I followed Fran down into the basement.

"You didn't have to do that Brad."

"Come on Jack... I can tell that you really like her and I am not going to let my dick older brother get in the way."

"Thanks bro."

"No problem... we better get started. Fran is looking a bit restless."

We practised different songs for the first couple hours and then we took a break..... Fran was looking through the record collection on the desk.

"Brad are these yours?"

"Yeah... I kind of collect them."

"This is the music I like most. Old fashioned but back then it was never about how much sex you put in the music."

"That is what me and Jack want to change. Most of the time we have to draw the line with Angie when it comes to what to wear and what songs to sing.... but I think I have tamed her."

"Do you really like her?"

"Surprisingly yes."

"Do you love her?"

"It is way too early to tell.... not many people will believe it but once you get to know her like I have... she is an amazing person."

"Wow Brad I think you just lost your balls."

"Shut up Jack..... so has a girl tickled your fancy."


"Are you telling us the truth Jack?"

"Fran if I had met a girl I liked you would know."

Shit I just admitted everything to her.... that is the biggest brain fart in the world. I am the worlds biggest idiot.

I have pretty much just blown the whole thing and all she did was blink at me and carry on looking at the records. She might not have taken what I said seriously or maybe she just doesn't want to hurt me. Oh god I am such a hypocrite.... I tell her not to be scared of her feelings but I am scared of mine. I have to tell her......

By the time practise finished it was 7pm.....

"Me and Fran are going to go.... we will see you tomorrow Brad."

"Yeah... later bro."

Back in the car..... I felt the urge to tell her how I really feel build up inside of me until I felt like I was going to burst.....

"Jack if you want my honest opinion I think Alex is a bit of an ass... he is way too cocky. I just wanted to punch him in the balls."

"That is good to know because Brad has punched him in the balls at least every week since he was like 13."

"So it is a love hate relationship?"

"When it comes down to it.... Alex would take a bullet for Brad and it would be the same the other way around."

"Would you take a bullet for me...."

"Oh Fran that depends."

"On what?"

"On if you would take a bullet for me."

"Jack you know I would take a bullet for you obviously."

"Then the answer is yes.... I would always take a bullet for you Fran."

We pulled up outside my house...... Fran sat there before turning to me.... looking at me with those deep blue eyes...... not breaking the gaze.

"Do you really mean that Jack?"

"I mean everything I say...... I promise."

"You promise that you will never hurt me?"

"Fran... I swear to god I would never hurt you."

"Good.... because I would hate to have to hurt you back....."

I felt myself leaning towards her and she just stayed deadly still........ I can feel my heart beating... trying to break out of my chest cavity.



"You have ketchup on your nose."

"Oh my god I am so sorry."

"I was joking you idiot!"

She pulled me in and planted a kiss right on my lips... it might sound girly.. but I think I feel the fireworks, the butterflies in my stomach.... my head full of random thoughts.

Never wanting the kiss to end.... it feels like I have been waiting an eternity for this one single moment.


I even woke up in a happy mood..... until I realised who was next to me... in my bed.


Oh god.... we didn't.... did we?

"Fran wake up......"

She woke up and looked around.

"Morning Jack."

"We didn't.. you know."

"Of course not..... we are still wearing our clothes."

"Shit... it's seven thirty... I have no idea if my mom is still home."

We scrambled around for all of out stuff......

"Fran do you need to go back to your house for your stuff?"

"No it's in the trunk of my car. Where are my shoes?"

"By the door I think."

We ran down the stairs... straight into my mom......

"Oh hi Fran. Didn't expect you to be here this early."

"Yeah sorry about that..... Jack I will meet you in the car."

As soon as she had gone my mom grabbed my arm.

"Jack... this better not be what I think it is."

"It is not what you think... yeah she slept on my bed but nothing happened. I swear."

"Then what did happen Jack?"

"We kissed and then I guess we ended up in my room but Fran remembers the whole thing... we did not have sex mom."

"I believe you but if she is in your room from now on... the door stays open. So are you teo dating now....."

"Mom I really have no idea.... I better get going."

I ran out of the door before the situation could get more awkward than it already was.

I got into the car and Fran had this weird smile on her face....

"So..... Where are you taking me for our first date?"

"That is for me to know and for your to find out.... how about wednesday?"


This time she leant forward.... I leaned with her and it was not as good as the first kiss but it was still epic.



They finally kissed........ that situation was so awkward though!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be uploaded tomorrow night at the latest!

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