Chapter 16

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I'm not going to lie.... finding out your parents are practically going to get a divorce is bound to completely mess up your concentration.
It for better and it got easier further on into the school day but then again I knew that my dad would be at the house again trying to bullshit his way out of the mess he made.

"Can we just enjoy our lunch without anyone looking like their pet rabbit died?"

"Babe I don't think Jack in the mood for your dark humour."

"He needs to be cheered up..... Right Fran?"

"Yeah he needs to be cheered up but it doesn't really help that we are practically talking about him as if he isn't even here."

Wow she can even read my mind.
"Jack you can stay with me for a few days if you want."

"Thanks brad but I don't think I want to leave my mom right now... I don't know what to tell her."

"Just tell her how you feel... That's what I do when my family is in a mess... It might not be the same scenario as yours but still."

"Alright thanks bro."

"No problem... Come on Angie we need to go to the art department to get those sequins you were on about. Jeez... Women."

"Don't push your luck babe."

Once they were gone I tried to make an attempt to crack some jokes.....
"I don't know why but every time those two say something I feel like it is some sort of sexual innuendo."

"That's because it probably is. Do you want to go straight home after school?"

"Yeah but if my dad is there chances are I will walk right back out the house again. I don't want to watch another fight."

"That's understandable..... If he did ever hurt your mom... What would the gang do?"

"They would probably make him disappear.... They wouldn't hurt him... They would just convince him to leave before anyone did have the chance to hurt him... Bad. I would never be that dumb but who knows what friends my mom has gained over the years."

"Your all the protection I need... But under all circumstances it is my job to protect you. I wouldn't just stand in the shadows and hope for you to come out alive."

"You really amaze me sometimes Fran."

"Yeah i tend to have that effect on people... My mom was amazed when I told her that I wanted to move house.... How could I not move house."

"I am glad you moved house... If you hadn't we wouldn't have met."

"Well there's that..... But I wouldn't be happy.... I am glad I moved."

"You know you have changed the school right?"

"In what way Jack?"

"You showed everyone how dumb all the differ social groups were.... Everyone is friends with everyone now. It's better that way."

"That isn't exactly the most amazing thing in the world is it?"

"It is to me. Everything you do is amazing..... Even when you ate that jam doughnut and got it all over your face but to be fair it was the most adorable thing I have ever seen."

"Exactly. We still on for working on the project tomorrow?"

"Well we did most of it during the week so I thought we could have a movie day."

"Sounds great. We should include your mom too. I think she needs it."

"Yeah that's a good point.... I better stock up on ice cream."

"And tissues..... Because I am going to make you watch Romeo and Juliet again."

"Oh god.... Fine but afterwards we are watching Jackass 3.5."

"Doesn't that stuff out you off your food?"

"Nope.... Because it's funny."

"Yeah I know but the stuff they do is so unsanitary."

"Fran that is the point."

"Ok point proven."


Admittedly I was in a really good mood for the rest of the school day. I was even happy to go home even though there is a chance that my idiot father will be there to cause trouble because he some how gets off on it.

I have never felt so tense just by pulling up outside my house.
"Well his car isn't there so I think there won't be any trouble tonight. You want to come in for a little while?"
"I better not my mom is at home and she wants to eat dinner with me but I will see you tomorrow morning. Love you."
"Love you too."

I probably sound like a total pussy...... But Fran is like the best kisser in the world..... Wow I think I just lost my balls.

"Mom... You home?"
"Yeah I'm in the living room."

I walked into the living room and there she was... Sat alone just staring at the TV.
I grabbed the remote and turned it off.

"Mom I will not let this happen now. I will not let you turn into a nervous wreck just because of him. Go and have a shower, I will get dinner ready and we having a movie day tomorrow with Fran."

"Ok.... Thanks for your support sweetie. However for the record I was watching my game show..... I am not having a break down."

"Now I feel dumb."

"No your smart for being concerned. If it was your father he old have thrown a diamond necklace at me and assume I could be bought. I'm going to have that shower. Thanks for offering to cook by the way but I think I can handle it."

Now I know where I get my cocky personality from.


I love it when my mom makes tacos.... it is one of my favorite foods literally in the entire world.

"So you like the tacos then?"

"Mom you know I love tacos... so why ask every time I eat them?"

"Just checking really... so we are having a movie day tomorrow?"

"Yeah... Fran will be over at around ten tomorrow morning."

"After dinner I am going to get some groceries so I will get some snacks. You want anything in particular?"

"Nope just the usual stuff thanks."


Hi guys this chapter is short because I have a lot of college work to do and because of that I won't be updating for a few days or a week at the most! Sorry
But thanks for you support so far

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