Eat Please

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Hey ! I hope you guys are having a great day and here's my new chapter ! Enjoy ! *I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters *

Ray's POV

Henry has been his normal self today for the most part . The only thing is , he won't eat . He hasn't eaten anything in the past two days . He says he's not hungry but that HAS to be a lie . How can someone not eat anything at all , and still not be hungry ? We've all tried to get him to eat something , but he just won't . If he doesn't eat anything today , Schwoz said we will have to force feed him , which I really don't want to do . Henry always feels betrayed when we force him to do something against his will . When Henry falls asleep , Schwoz is going to run a test to see if there's something else wrong with Henry . Charlotte and Jasper have both been worried about him too , so for once , Charlotte was on our side when I mentioned running a test on Henry while he was asleep . Why asleep , you may wonder ? Because if Henry knew we were doing this he wouldn't allow it . He would just say everything's fine , and probably wouldn't let us near him . Suddenly Henry said something breaking my thoughts .
Henry : Ray , can I have some ice ?
Ray : Of course .
I was silently hoping he would ask for something to eat . The boy hasn't eaten in the past two days ! I got him some ice and carefully placed it on his ankle .
Henry : Thanks .
Ray : No problem . Hey , why don't you take a nap ?
Henry : But I'm not tired .
Ray : Yeah , but it would ease the pain on your ankle .
Henry : Yeah I guess it would .
Ray : At least just close your eyes .
Henry : Why do you want me to go to sleep so bad ?
Ray : Uh , because Schwoz told me he needed to uh , run some tests on you to make sure that ...the chemical is fully gone . But he needs you asleep so...
Henry : But he already said it was clear .
Ray : Yes , but he thinks he may have missed something so he needs to run a different kind of test , but he needs you asleep .
Henry : Ok... why didn't you just tell me in the first place ?
Ray : Just go to sleep .
Henry : Fine .
I hated lying to the kid like that , but what choice did I have ? Henry laid down and closed his eyes . He tried for awhile to go to sleep but never could.
Henry : Sorry Ray , I just can't sleep .
Ray : Let's try a sleeping pill .
Henry : Oookay .
He took one and soon fell deep asleep . I got Schwoz and told him Henry was finally asleep . Schwoz got the stuff he needed and began his work . When he was done he stepped out into the hall to tell me the news .
Ray : Well ?
Schwoz : Henry wasn't lying when he said he wasn't hungry . After all the nausea from the side effects , it affected his stomach into loss of appetite . It'll eventually go away , but it will take a little time .
Ray : Well how do we get him to eat ?
Schwoz : We just have to make him .
Ray : We've been trying for the last two days , and today ! He just won't eat .
Schwoz : I know . If we can't get him to eat by tomorrow , we may have to force feed him .
I really didn't want to do that .
Ray : I'll try my best to get him to eat .
Schwoz : Good .
Schwoz walked off and I went back into the guest room . When I walked in , Henry was still sleeping , so I just played on my phone for awhile . After about another hour , Henry woke up .
Ray : Afternoon .
He sat up and stretched .
Henry : So , is the chemical still there ?
Ray : Huh ? Oh , uh , no but he did find out that you really need to eat .
Henry : But I'm not hungry , Ray .
Ray : I know , but if you really need to . Even if you're not hungry , you need to eat something .
Henry : But-
Ray : It's not an option Henry , you have to eat .
He sighed out in frustration . I hated doing this to him , but it really wasn't an option .
I got him a hamburger and french fries to eat , but instead he just kinda picked at it .
Ray : Henry please just eat it .
Henry : I can't , I just don't feel like it .
Ray : You have to eat , even if you don't want to .
Henry : I'm sorry , Ray . I just don't feel like eating .
He pushed his tray to the side and rolled over facing the opposite side of me . I sighed out in frustration knowing I lost this battle . But I'm not giving up yet . I'll just wait a little bit and try again .

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