Truth or Dare

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Hi ! I hope you're having a great day and here's my new chapter . Enjoy ! * I do not own Henry Danger or any of the characters * Season Four Ages

Ray's POV

Charlotte , Jasper , and I stood in shock . Henry was fine for one second , then he started acting like he was in pain , and then he passed out ! It took us all a moment to process what just happened .
Ray : Henry !
I ran over to his side and kneeled down to see his unconscious form . I tapped on his cheek in attempt to wake him up , but he never did . What's going on ? Why did Henry suddenly just pass out ?!
Ray : Henry please wake up .
Charlotte : Schwoz !
Charlotte ran to find the annoying scientist while Jasper stood in panic not knowing what to do .
Ray : Come on Henry , wake up . Can you do that for me ? Please ?
He still remained unconscious and I was about to go into full panic mode . I started lightly shaking him , trying to get my best friend to wake up . Finally , Charlotte and Schwoz ran into the main room and right to Henry .
Charlotte told Schwoz that I had tried every method of waking up an unconscious person , so Schwoz wasted no time , and took Henry to the medical room , ushered us out so he could have some space , and pulled out a scanner . When the scan was complete , Schwoz came out with a questioning look on his face . Is this good or bad ?!
Schwoz : Did you forget to give Henry a painkiller today ?
Ray : He never acted like he needed one , so no . I didn't .
Schwoz : It is important to give someone with a extreme injury a painkiller regularly when they're fresh off bed rest . With the sudden moving around it can stress the injury out . So therefore , when Henry did not have any pain medication today , it caused his ankle massive pain , and it ended up making him pass out .
( A/N : I know this probably isn't true , I really don't know if it is or not . I'm just trying to create drama😉)
I felt terrible . I caused Henry horrible pain by not giving him a painkiller .
Schwoz : Ray , I know you think it is , but it's not your fault . It's mine because I forgot to tell you about that .
Ray : Will he be okay ?
Schwoz : Absolutely . He should wake up in a couple of hours .
I breathed a sigh of relief , but it still did not help the raging guilt I felt for letting this happen in the first place .
Charlotte : Ray , it's not your fault . You didn't know .
Ray : I guess . Wait , where is Henry now ?
Schwoz : In the guest room . I figured it would be more comfortable for him to finish sleeping in a real bed and not a med bed .
Ray : Okay , thanks .
Schwoz : You're welcome . Just remember to give him a painkiller when he wakes up .
Ray : Got it . Schwoz left to go back to his science lab while I went to the guest room to wait for Henry to wake up . Charlotte went to the monitors to research criminals while Jasper ran Junk n' Stuff . I looked at my sidekick who was sleeping peacefully . It looked as if nothing had ever happened .

Henry's POV

I woke up in the guest room . I blinked several times to clear the sleep from my eyes . I started to sit up but a hand gently pushed me back down .
Ray : Just relax for a second kid . You gave us quite a scare .
Henry : What exactly happened ?
Ray : Long story short , you passed out . Turns out we're supposed to keep you on pain meds or else stuff like this can happen .
Henry : Oh . Well at least now we know .
Ray : Yeah . Which reminds me , here's a painkiller and a glass of water .
I took the painkiller along with a sip of water and laid back down .
Ray : You going back to sleep ?
Henry : Yeah I'm really tired .
Ray : Okay , well I'll be there when you wake up .
Henry : Thanks .
I don't know if he replied or not because I fell fast asleep right after saying " thanks" . I guess I was more tired than I thought I was .

*time skip*

Ray's POV

Henry woke up a couple of hours later and thanks to the painkiller , he didn't wake up in pain . In fact he was actually quite happy from waking up from a refreshing nap .
Henry : Ray help me get to the main room please .
Ray : Sure thing .
Although Henry is able to walk on crutches , it's harder for him to go down the stairs when he exits the sprocket . It looks really hard so I'm not judging him at all . It's not like I could anyways since I've never even had to walk on crutches let alone try to go down stairs with them . I was in position to catch him in case he lost balance and fell . Eventually he made it all the way down without getting hurt , so that's good . Charlotte looked away from the monitors to greet Henry .
Charlotte : Hey Henry !
Henry : Hey !
Ray : I'm here too you know !
Charlotte : Whatever . I'm just about done researching criminals so maybe we could watch a movie something .
Henry : Actually , I was hoping we could play Truth or Dare once Jasper gets here . If that's okay with you guys .
Charlotte : Absolutely ! I love that game !
Ray : What's Truth or Dare ?
Charlotte : Really Ray ? You're THAT old ?
Ray : I am not old ! I'm thirty - sev- ... thirty - six !
Henry : Uh huh .
Ray : Whatever ! Can someone please just explain Truth or Dare to me ?
Henry : We go around asking each other Truth or Dare . If you pick Truth , they ask you a question about yourself and you HAVE to answer it truthfully . If you pick Dare , then that person gets to come up with any crazy thing they want you to do , and you HAVE to do it .
Ray : But what if I don't want to ?
Charlotte : No buts . You have to do whatever the dare is . And you always have to answer each truth question truthfully .
Ray : Who came up with this game ?!
Henry : I don't know . Will you please just play it with us ?
He gave me the puppy dog eyes .
Ray : Ugh , fine I'll play .
Once Jasper got here we began the game .
Henry : Charlotte , Truth or Dare ?
Charlotte : Truth .
Henry : Who is your first kiss ?
Charlotte : Jack Swagger . We met in summer camp back when he was Jack Swagawitz .
Henry : You- you've met Jack Swagger ?!
Ray : How do we not know this until now ?!
Jasper : Jack is so awesome ! Seriously how could you not tell us ?!
Charlotte : I did ! We even built a secret restaurant for a date back when you guys burned down my kitchen !
Ray : Oh yeah .
Henry : I forgot about that .
Jasper : How can you expect us to remember something that happened years ago ?
Charlotte : That was five months ago !
Henry : Whatever . Let's move on with the game .
Everyone agreed to just drop it .
Henry : Ray , Truth or Dare ?
Ray : Well , I'm no chicken , so dare .
Henry : I dare you to order a pie from the auto snacker and smash it in your face .
Dang it .
Ray : Awe come on ! Give me something else !
Henry : The dare has been spoken . There's no going back .
Ray : Ugh , fine .
I ordered a whipped cream pie from the auto snacker and walked back over to the couch . I took a deep breath before smashing it in my face . Everyone laughed and my cheeks flushed bright red .
Ray : Oh come on ! It's not that funny !
Charlotte : Yeah it is , Ray .
Ray : Whatever !
I cleaned up my face and we went back to the game .

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