Season 1 Episode 18 - Making Out

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Last chapter, I added some new lines and content. While writing chapter 18, I suddenly remembered ther was some stuff I didn't include in chapter 17. So I went back and edited it. There will be bold text saying EDIT somewhere in the middle of chapter 17 so please do read it again because its completely new content.

Ochaco's POV

(Forgot to mention, they connected the laptop to the tv via HDMI so yeah they are watching the movie on the tv.)

I Snuggled with Izuku as we watched the movie. We opened the bags of chips and the bottles of water we had on the coffee table. We were 30 minutes into the movie and so far both of us were really drawn into the plot. The story is well written, the acting was good plus the characters were interesting. The movie was going fine for a few minutes. As the movie progressed, we began to feel really drowsy. Izuku stopped the movie and closed his laptop, we'll just finish it tomorrow. We both went to the nearby bathroom that the jet had and brushed our teeth. After that, we changed into more comfortable clothes so that we would feel more comfortable sleeping. I converted our lazyboy chair into a bed and we both lied down. There was a big blanket in a nearby drawer so we just shared the blanket. Izuku turned off the lights in our room, as he lied down I quickly wrapped my hands around him.

"Y-you like cuddling me, huh?" Izuku said said.

'Y-yeah, it just feels good....'I said. He turned around to give me a quick peck on the lips. 

'Goodnight, love you.' I said.

"Goodnight, love you too..." He replied. We both slept soundly as the plane flew for hours....

A few hours later, morning.

My eyes slowly opened. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and I quickly noticed a cute green haired boy lying beside me. I took my hand and moved a piece of his hair thatw as covering his eye away from his face.

'Cute.' I said. I still couldn't believe I had a really kind boyfriend, plus cute and super toned. I can't believe my boyfriend is super chisled.

Izuku's eyes suddenly twitched, I guess he woke up cuz of me. He slowly opened his eyes and there he met me looking at him.

'Good morning!' I softly said.

"Good morning..." He said sleepily. He sat up rubbing his eyes and scratching his fluffy hair.

"What time is it...?" Izuku asked me.

'Ermmm, it just turned six. See?' I said showing my phone's clock. 

'We're gonna be landing soon, so lets get ready.' I told him. I got out of bed to fix my things and readied myself. I turned around to face the wall to wear a bra. After putting it on, I turned around only to catch Izuku staring, his nose was bleeding. My face turned completely red at the thought that he was staring at me while I was wearing my bra.

"N-NOTHING S-SORRY!" He said. He went full apologetic mode. 

'O-oh, no! It's okay! I'm okay with it...' I said. I'm not bothered by him stating at me so I don't really mind. We're gonna see each other naked anyways when we have sex....N-NO DON'T THINK ABOUT THAT! HE'LL THINK I'M A PERVERT!

"Hello? earth to Ochaco?" He snapped me out of my train of thought. i was brought back to reality by him.

"Something wrong?"

'Uh no! N-not at all!' I said. He was convinced so he went back to fixing his things. We were prepparing to land on the runway, so I reached for Izuku's hand to hold him tightly. We started to decend to the ground. I suddenly heard the tires of the plane squeak, I was scared for a second but I realized our landing was succesful. I took a deep breath to thank God, and Izuku.

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