Season 2 |Part 2| Episode 66 - The Secret

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"I was too tired to proofread this chapter/episode."

-Kuya Manong-

Izuku's POV

The last class of the day had just ended. Everyone started packing their bags and going home. Most went out in groups while others went in twos. Kacchan who sat behind me stood up and went home with Kirishima who was chatting with him about seeing this new movie.

I was in the middle of packing my things up when my girlfriend approached me with her bag on her shoulder.

"Ready to go home?" Ochaco asked.

'Ah , yeah. I'll just pack my stuff.' I said while Putting a few reviewers in a folder.

"Okieeee." She replied.

'Oh, I forgot to mention. Mom's inviting you to dinner again. She wants to see how we're doing.' I said, remembering to tell her.

"Really? When?" Ochaco placed her hands on my desk and leaned forward.

'Tonight. She also wants us to bring along Eri.'

"Great! I'll prepare my clothes when we get home." She happily said.

We looked at the farther side of the classroom where Iida and Ochaco sit. Iida stood up and swung his bag around his shoulder. He noticed us so he walked rowards our direction.

'Iida, you coming?' I asked him to tag along.

"I'm afraid I can't. I have to go to Hatsumei and help her." Iida said winking an eyebrow. We obviously got what he meant.

We told him that it was okay. He left the classroom. Once he was out of earshot, I made a comment.

'You know, he's so cute when he tries so hard.'

"I know, right?? What's with the winking???" Ochaco said being her usual energetic self.

We chatted along the way home like we normally do. Our handholding really caught the attention fo a bunch of people,mbut we didn't mind it since we got used to all the staring. If the staring was of malicious intent though... Well, you know what I'll do.

We finally got home. Once we entered the common room, we saw Eri playing on the sofa watching television. She noticed us entering the door which excited her.

'Hey there Eri!' I greeted her with a warm smile. Eri got stood up from the sofa and sprinted over to hug me.

"You're back!" She happily said.

'Later Eri, I'll be taking you to my mom. I want you to meet her.' I told her.

'Well, more like she wants to meet you.'

Eri pointed her finger at herself. "Really? Ni-san's mom wants to meet me?" She asked sounding surprised. I nodded to confirm what I said.

"Mhm! After all, she wants to know the little girl her son saved." Ochaco said bending down.

I lifted my hand and rustled Eri's hair (something she really liked.)

'Anyways, we'll be leaving later at 7:00 PM.'


Ha few hours passed and night had finally come. Ochaco and I were all dressed up and ready to go. We were just waiting for Eri to put her pink sparkly shoes on.

The velcro made a loud ripping sound as she was putting them on her feet. Once she was okay, we headed out of the dorms straight to the nearest train station.

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