Season 2 |Part 2| Episode 55 - Hospital

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Izuku's POV

I had woken up in my deep slumber, a kind of rest I didn't get to have in hours. I was tucked deep inside my bed. Again, I don't remember walking to my room and sleeping. I must have passed out or fallen asleep.

My All Might-filled room was dark and the only light source I had was the sun's rays going through my windows curtains. 

I sleepily sat up and turned myself to sit at the side of my bed so I could stand up. I was in my costume again so I walked into my bathroom and stripped my clothes to take a shower. 

the water trickled down my body washing all of the dirt, grime, and dried sweat off my body. the sensation of cold water washing my whole body felt like I was being reborn. After I soaped myself up and shampooed my hair, I turned off the shower and stepped out to dry myself with my towel.

Once I got dressed in a plain blue t-shirt and black shorts, I walked downstairs to the common room.Kirishima sat on the Sofa watching T.V. he noticed me and decided to greet me with a warm smile and a wave.

"Oh. Hey, Midoriya!" Kirishima said while he waved his hand. I returned the gesture and sat beside him. 

'So, What happened? did she get out safely?' I asked Kirishima upfront.

"Yeah, Uraraka's in the hospital right now. she got in last night." Kirishima replied.

'T-Thank goodness...' I said sighing in relief. I slouched back on the couch and put my head back to breathe in some air.

"You must be stressed, man. get some more rest." Kirishima said turning his head to me and putting his hand on my shoulder.

'No, I can't yet. I want to see her.' I said. I had to see her.

"Oh. Well then, good luck?" He said not knowing what to reply with.

'Ah, can I have the address of the hospital? what hospital is she in?' I asked him. 

"She's at the Kōsei Hospital. We're gonna visit her later." He said.

(I picked Kōsei Hospital because Kōsei is the Japanese word for quirks/ peculiar behavior/ unique behavior and etc. It's also a real hospital.)

'Wait, what time is it?' I asked him as I was dumbfounded. I don't know how long I was asleep.

"11:27 AM." Kirishima said in his normal tone as if there was nothing wrong.

'I slept that long, huh?' I joked.

"You wanna come visit her with us?" Kirishima said as he lowered the volume of the T.V.

'Nah, I'll be going ahead now.' I stood up and put my smartphone back in my pocket.

'Well, thanks again, I'll be heading on my way.' I said waving my hand.

"Yeah, bro." He waved his hand back with a small grin and proceeded to watch T.V.

I walked back up the stairs to get my wallet and look up Kōsei hospital on my phone. After I got the directions, I made my way back down and headed out of the doors of 2-A Heights Alliance.

Kōsei Hospital was located in Tokyo so I had to take a long train ride. Omce she was rescued, she was brought to that hospital and stayed the night. It would've saved me more time if they had brought her to a hospital in the Shizuoka prefecture, but I guess they had other problems to worry about.

As soon as the train hissed to a stop, I immediately boared and say down on an empty seat...

Ochaco's POV.

My eyes slowly creaked open as I felt a bright burning sensation. I later found out it was the sunlight passing through the blinds. I groggily rubbed my eyes as I kept tossing and turning on my bed. When I fully opened my eyes, I realized I was in a hospital. It was weird to be greeted by an unfamiliar room when I woke up.

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