Season 2 Episode 41 - Izuku Vs. Mr. Uraraka

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Tatakae! Ima koko ni sengen shimasu! Sensen fukoku o!

I hope you guys are enjoying this series! I feel like my writing has come a long way since Chapter 1. I hope to improve my grammar, phrasing, and the way I write in general to give you guys the best experience! If you can, please recommend me a good app or something. I use Grammarly on my laptop but it only has the basic functions like spelling check, grammar check, and rephrasing. I need to pay extra for the other features which I desperately need. I don't want to be repetitive with my words so I need stuff like synonyms and other ways to say the same thing/ sentence, only in a different way.

I've been looking at a lot of the drafts for future chapters in this story, and it made me realize. The story is far from over. I have to do, like, 2 Arcs (?) or something and I'm kind of excited honestly. Though I feel sad that the more chapters I publish the closer this Fanfic would reach its end. I'm guessing..... 150 chapters? Might even reach 200! I really hope so...

Ochaco's POV.

After Izuku and dad left, I was helping mom with cooking lunch. As I was busy with the fried rice, I started to get a little worried for Izuku. All sorts of thoughts ran around my head. What if dad doesn't like him? What if he's not on board with the both of us being together? What if--

"Don't worry, they'll be fine." My mom said cutting my train of thought. I turned my head to look at her. She had her head looking down at the food she was cooking.

'What?' I asked raising my left eyebrow at her. How did she know though?

"I can pretty much read your face. You're worried for your boyfriend and if your Pa doesn't like him."  Mom said casually as she fried the pieces of Chicken Karaage. The sound of frying filled the air and the smell of the chicken almost made my mouth water despite what I was thinking.

(Chicken is the cheapest out of all the meats. Just here to tell ya'll :P)

"Brings me back to when I was around your age. I remember the time when your grandparents first met your dad. He was scared shitless I'll tell you that." Mom said giving out a small chuckle which she didn't even try to stifle. She was reminiscing about the past for a short while. I've always heard stories from her about the two of them as teenagers.

"Your dad and your grandpa had a talk and after that, he loved your father very much. I remember the times when they would drink together and talk about soccer. That was when we were 18 so don't worry he was legal enough to drink. Your Pa wasn't really a heavy drinker."

"I just have a feeling... History is going to repeat itself." Mom said with a little bit of worry in the tone.

'You mean, they're both gonna have a talk??? W-what if Pa says something mean?' I said as I grew concerned.

"Relax, I'm sure he likes him. He's just gonna give him a talk to make sure... I guess he learned from your grandfather."

"But jeez, that dad of yours... I guess it's 'cause you're more of a daddy's girl." She said as she rubbed the top of my head messing with my hair a bit.

'How about you mom? What do you think of Izuku?' I asked her. I wanted to know if she liked Izuku. I mean, I knew she already did. But I felt like asking her again to make sure.

"Well, he seems like a nice boy. The way you talk about him makes him sound like a good person." She teased me. I blushed tomato red and my face turned hot. It felt like my face was steaming hot.

'Mom!' I said bumping my hips against hers. She laughed and covered her hand over her mouth to cover it.

"Just teasing." My mom said with a smile as she stifled a laugh. I puffed my cheeks as I continued to cook the fried rice. I took a few spring onions from a plastic container and sprinkled them all over the rice. I began to mix the rice altogether. While I was cooking, I began to think about Izuku again. I'm just hoping Pa would like him.

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