Season 2 Episode 47 - The Attack on Tokyo WTC

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Originally, this chapter was supposed to be the beginning of the sports festival arc, but I just felt like doing a disaster type first. 

Anyways, most of the POVs in this chapter will just be the POVs of normal people living their normal daily lives. I just wanna show the POV of the people who experienced THAT.

This chapter is in commemoration and a remembrance for the 3,000 people who lost their lives on 9/11 and the dozens of firefighters, police, and other personnel who risked their lives. Your sacrifices will always be remembered and 9/11 will never be forgotten. It stays  seared into our brains and hearts for centuries.


"This just in, A commercial air flight has crashed into the 1st tower of the Tokyo World Trade cente-"

"Reports of a hijacking on two passenger planes have---"

"The 93rd upto the 99th floors on the 1st Tower right now is completely engulfed in smoke and flames--"

"A group of local terrorist villains both armed and equipped with dangerous quirks have hijacked two twin jet passenger planes. Two of which were both crashed into the 1st and 2nd tower of the Tokyo World Trade Center---"

"What you're seeing right here is LIVE footage of the Tokyo World Trade center. Two Boeing 737 twin jet planes have crashed in---"

"All Nippon Airways Flight 22, This is ATC. What's your current situation. Over?"

"We've hijacked the plane and we have a bomb! Everyone here is going to die! For the glory of---!"

"Philippine Airlines flight 23 bound for Manila, you are clear for departure."

"I repeat, ground ALL FLIGHTS!"

"10-4 prepparing for take-off. Taxi us onto the runway."

"We've got debris falling from the 1st tower---!"

"Oh my God, that person just jumped off the building!"

"110 what's your emergency?"

"I think something just exploded!"

"Holy shit! That plane just crashed right into the--!"

"The whole building is crashing down---!"

"We're gonna die!"

5 hours earlier...

It was an average normal Monday morning. People were rushing to get to their jobs and hundreds of pedestrians crossing the road on a busy working day. The city was loud with the sound of cars revving and honking accompanied with inaudible chatter and the sounds of shoes tapping on the pavements and sidewalks. The Metro was really busy on the weekdays. Office workers were rushing to board a subway train to get to their office jobs.

Ken's POV

My name is Miyage Ken. I'm just an average person, nothing out of the ordinary. I was born with a quirk called "Extend-O-Limb". It basically lets me extend my limbs for about 7 meters. It's a pretty useless quirk unless you're lazy to stand up and get stuff. I work at an insurance company that has an office on the 79th floor of the Tokyo World Trade center. I work to support my wife and my three-year-old daughter.

I took the subway on my way to work which was the fastest since we don't have a car, yet... I just got a promotion a few weeks ago from my boss and my pay grade has increased by about 20% which is pretty neat. If we save enough money, we might be able to buy a house. I might even be able to take my family on a vacation outside of town.

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