More Headcanons But Its Netherborn Tommy

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1. Netherlings or people who live in the Nether, don't sleep, they hibernate. Everyone has different times to hibernate but if a netherling doesn't hibernate for a long time, they pass out and hibernates there.

2. When Tommy hibernates he usually clings onto someone or something. If Tommy clings onto a person, the person has to take Tommy with them wherever they go until his hibernation is over.

3. Tommy has clung to Techno before.

4. Tommy loves ghasts, they return the same feeling.

That's all i got. However this chapter isn't over.

Idea: Quackity asks Slimecicle to spy on Tommy. Tommy finds Slimcicle and clings onto him without any questions asked. Slimecicle, unsure of what to do, goes back to Las Nevadas. Idk where to go from here.

Another idea: Tommy finds Niki in a snow biome and clings onto her. Thing is, Niki is going to a meeting of the Syndicate.

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