Tommy's Big Sisters

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Minx,Niki, Tommy. Family.

In the past

Minx POV

Niki and Toms were leaving today to go to some server. Apparently I didn't get invited, shame. I'll miss them for sure, but maybe this could give them a opportunity at life. After all I want my siblings to be happy.


"YEAH!" Toms shouted.

They both came down to have breakfast, it was quiet. We usually were loud and playful, but I was sad, and happy at the same time. It was weird.

"I'm gonna miss you.." Toms said in a sad tone.

"Oh, come here, ya dork." I said, Toms was crying, so was Niki. I motioned Niki to join the hug. We stayed there for at least 10 minutes.

"I don't wanna leave you.." Niki said while crying, it hurt to see 'em like this.

"I know..I know..But you wanna go there, it'll give you a start at life." I said while rubbing circles on her back.

And they left. Minx stayed, waiting for them, just how a big sister should. But their family wouldn't be a untold story, oh no, no, no. Minx didn't wait for them for nothing. See, there's also another way to get into a server without being whitelisted. Money, lots and lots of money. It was signed in a contract, 'If a player gives a massive amount of money to the government and the owner of the server. They would be allowed in the server.' Good thing, their wealthy.

Present time

Tommy POV

I can't. I can't do this anymore. I always feel that Dream is there, he's always watching me. Minx and Niki would've helped. They cared. Nobody else did, because who cares about the annoying child on the server?! Who cares about the war child?!

Minx did. She always cared about me and Niki, no matter what. I want Minx, I want my sisters back.

I pulled out communicator and private messaged Niki.

I'm going to visit Minx tomorrow, are you gonna come?

I want the family to be whole again.

Niki: sure

And so they went back to their original server, back where their big sister was.

Tommy knocked on their front door. Someone opened it, it was Minx.

"Toms..? Niki?.." Minx said with her voice shaking, tears threatening to fall.

Minx immediately ran over to hug them. Then of course the questions came..

"What happened?! Where did you get these scars!? Did something happen?!?"

Hah- you thought I was gonna finish it. I'm sorry I'm tired. Revenge Arc, Revenge Arc, Revenge Arc, Revenge Arc, Revenge Arc, Revenge Arc, Revenge Arc

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