The Clinic HVV AU

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HVV AU- Hero, Vigilante, Villain AU

Healer! Tommy


The white room. The white room Tommy was in, was very illegal. And Tommy just happens to own this white room. The white room is called Sanative Clinic, and he was currently restocking on medical supplies. Even with healing powers, having an alternative way to heal is great. Using his powers costs energy, and if he overloads, it starts to hurt. So to say the least, Tommy doesn't use his powers when it's unnecessary.

Now, the big question. What was Tommy? Was he a Villian? Hero? Vigilante? Now the answer to that was. Neither. He isn't a hero, a villain, a vigilante. That's for you to decide. He helps anyone, no matter which side they were on. Of course for a price. He wasn't just gonna heal people for nothing. Well only sometimes, when he stumbles upon a kid hurt, because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or when a teenage vigilante gets hurt badly only because the wanted to protect their city, because the heros sure as hell wouldn't.

Usually it's favours. It's simple really, Tommy can cash in a favor when ever wants. For something as stupid as a happy meal, to millions of bucks. Now you could easily say, 'Oh but what if when Tommy cashs in the favor! They go back on their word!' Tommy wasn't one you would want to double cross. Trust me, he has his cards and he knows what to play. Especially when he is allies with one of the most powerful villain leagues, Business Bay. Well not an ally, but more of an old friend. Like they go way~ back.

Changing the subject! Now believe it or not, Tommy did not wear his everyday outfits to the clinic. I know, surprising! See, Tommy has taste and if you're gonna run an illegal clinic, you gotta do it in style. And lucky for Tommy, Business Bay, has a tailor. So he got himself an outfit.

Found on- Esty, HigginsCreek

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Found on- Esty, HigginsCreek

Found on- Pintrest, pincan110

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(Also fun fact! Tommy always wears a black long sleeve turtleneck under these outfits!)

Bold of you to assume Big Man Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Innit had only one outfit. He knows that some people just have the same outfit constantly, every, single, day. But not him! (He actually couldn't chose between designs, so he just chose all of them.) He's not like other men-

His name! His...Hero? Villain?..Vigilante?..Healer! Name. His healer name! It was the poggest of all names!  The best name a person could have! It was that absolutely biggest name! His name was-

"Asclepius!!" Well, that's his name. (Pog name.)Okay, now time to figure out who was screaming his name!

It was the Zephrus, holding Sirens half-dead body.




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