Hiatus Notice

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So I know I promised I would update more and I really did try. But lately I've been slacking. Which is why I'm posting this on this story because I figured that since was my most popular story, that people will come to read this.

So basically my grandfather has been very sick and me and my family weren't sure if he was going to survive, because he has the same illness that killed my other grandfather. So we were all understandably worried. I'm sure you guys will understand as I'm sure that when something bad goes wrong in your guys's families that it's hard for you to focus on something else.

So, yeah, that's pretty much the reason why I haven't done any writing in a while and I'm going to be taking a hiatus until we get any word of my grandfather's health. I'm sorry to those of you reading this thinking this going to be an announcement on the sequel of this book which I want to get started on. But my families safety has to come first before this, which is something that I do simply for the fun of it.

With that being said guys I want to thank everyone who has been reading all of my stories, it genuinely means a lot to me. Again I'm sorry but at the end of the day my family comes first, so until I get any word on my grandfather's health I will not be updating or posting any new stories.

Thank you all for understanding and I hope that the next time I talk the guys it will be with good news. But until then I hope bid you all a good day and once again thank you guys for everything.

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