Plans for the Future

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While I had promised to help create a galaxy in my vision I first had to become the strongest before my plan could truly begin. And I still had a long way to go before it could happen. My master had shown me how to gain strength through meditation.

It's a simple process I meditate and force myself to remember all the memories, the pain.

All the times I begged my father to let me become a Jedi.

All the times my siblings would taunt me for not being one.

All of the snickers from the other padawans.

Rage. Blind rage consumes me as I remember every misdeed that had been done to me.

My eyes suddenly snap wide open as I'm brought out of my meditation. My eyes are burning Sith yellow. The memories had faded but the hate remained.

I hear my master say "Good, Kol good. You are becoming powerful my Apprentice."

I mutter back "Thank you, My Master." My training had progressed well. I had only left that accursed planet 2 months ago, and yet already I feel more powerful than I could've ever been as a Jedi.

I'm now a master of the seventh form of lightsaber combat. It draws upon my hatred and believes me when I hate everything around you. There is unending strength in that.

Anyway, I then began to think about my plans. Specifically, the part where I rebuilt the Sith empire. Yes. But where? It came to me. Why not here? On Mustafar.

This planet is strong with the dark side of the force. It's also the home of my grandfather. The last Sith Lords' home would make a perfect place for the order to grow once more. But to do that I would need supplies.

I suddenly had a vision of the planet Naboo. Rich with resources that would benefit The Sith. Poetic how my grandmother's home world would assist her grandson.

I couldn't help but think "All too easy."

(Hey, let me know what you think. Next chapter we will see Kol and his new abilities to use. Also, I'm not going to say when but later on I'm planning on having Kol, who at this point would go by Vader, finding a child twi lek who would become who Apprentice Darth Talon)

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