Temptation of Shadows

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I would need more power.

Regardless of how strong I had become since leaving "that man" I knew it would be suicide to try and attack the Jedi now at the peak of their power.

No, to destroy the republic I would need power, knowledge, money, and allies. People who shared my distaste for the Jedi and I just knew where to begin.

Whilst "that man" may have allowed Jedi knights to marry and have children, he didn't change the law that said that force-sensitive children would be separated from their families or that Jedi initiate who failed their initiation would be allowed to remain with their siblings.

Vader felt a smirk form on his face, he knew now where he would get his army.

On a distant planet

Jedi knight Mako Farriman and his padowan Alema Rar were investigating a Jedi holocron that was discovered by the council. They were ordered by the Jedi council to bring the holocron  back to the temple so that its knowledge could be used for the betterment of the order.

Mako was a human male with dark skin graying hair and gave off the presence you would expect from a seasoned warrior. He was one of the few Jedi that remembers the days of the old Republic because he was a padowan when the empire took over and he survived the purges. He was an ally of the rebels during the war and would often participate on covert missions, as he didn't want anyone to recognize him. Cowardly some may say, but it's thanks to his and his companions actions that many of the more "questionable" missions done by the rebellion were able to go off without a hitch.

That isn't to say everything was good about Mako, he was a hardcore traditionalist, even as an initiate in the old Jedi temple on Coruscant he was a firm believer in the idea that the rules needed to be obeyed and any attempt to deviate from them should be punished from them should be refused to the fullest attempts of ones abilities. One could consider Mako as a champion of the old guard of Jedi as he still held the beliefs that emotional attachment leads to the dark side.

This one of the reasons why he doesn't have a good relationship with Grandmaster Skywalker, because Luke believes that attachments can help us maintain our focus on the light and can make us stronger in times of crisis. Mako, and those who remember the Old republic believe differently. They think emotional attachment to someone or something can lead to suffering, rage, hatred. All things that can lead to the darkside.

It was one or the reasons why he along with those who had similar beliefs to him disagreed with Luke's decision to allow romantic relationships in the order.

His padowan however had different ideas towards attachment.

Alema Rar was a red skinned Twi'lek with blue eyes. She was brought into order along side her brother Korin Rar, they were both trained as initiates to becomes Jedi padowans under a master. However the difference between them is that Alema was chosen by a master, whilst he wasn't. As a result the council saw fit to transport back to their home world and continue training Alema.

Alema was understandably shaken by having her brother, best friend, and only family ripped away from her by the people she calls masters. However she told herself that once she became a knight she would find him and make him her padowan so that they could protect the galaxy together as a duo like talked about doing as children.

Unknown to her the reason her Master choose her as a padowan is because he knows about her plans and wants to try and teach her that the old ways of rejecting any and all forms of attachment were for the best for the order and the galaxy as a whole.

Mako Farriman and Alema Rar proceeded with caution as they approached the secluded chamber housing the Jedi holocron. The ancient artifact seemed to pulse with a faint, ethereal light as they drew near.

As they reached out to secure it, an ominous presence descended upon them, sending shivers down their spines. From the shadows emerged a figure clad in black robes, his mechanical breathing echoing ominously in the chamber. It was Darth Vader, formerly known as Kol Skywalker.

Without hesitation, Vader ignited his crimson lightsaber, its malevolent glow casting eerie shadows on the chamber's walls. Mako immediately assumed a defensive stance, his resolve unwavering even in the face of the fallen Jedi.

Vader's voice was cold and unrelenting as he addressed Mako, "You are a relic of a bygone era, clinging to the past, Jedi. It is time for the old ways to die."

Mako retorted with unwavering resolve, "The light will always prevail over the darkness, Vader."

A fierce battle erupted, lightsabers clashing with a torrent of sparks, but Vader's mastery of the dark side proved overwhelming. With each strike, he taunted Mako, trying to exploit the Jedi's inner conflicts.

Vader sneered, "Your order is weak, Jedi. Your attachment to tradition blinds you to the true power of the Force."

Mako grunted in defiance as he parried Vader's attacks, "The true power of the Force lies in balance."

Despite Mako's valiant efforts, Vader's relentless assault proved too much. With a swift, calculated strike, he disarmed Mako, sending his lightsaber clattering to the floor. Mako knelt defenseless before the Sith Lord.

As Vader raised his crimson blade, ready to deliver the final blow, he shifted his attention to Alema. He saw potential, raw and untamed, in the young Twi'lek. Her eyes reflected a mix of fear and curiosity—a dangerous combination.

With a seductive tone, Vader spared Alema's life, his words laced with dark temptation, "You may live, young one, for I sense a fire within you. Embrace your emotions, let them flow like a river, for they will be your strength. Together, we can unlock the true power of the Force."

Alema hesitated, her mind clouded with doubt and uncertainty. Mako's teachings clashed with the seductive promises of the dark side. The holocron remained forgotten as Vader's words continued to weave their insidious spell, forever altering the course of Alema's destiny and the fate of the galaxy.

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