Return of the sith

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Vader had boarded his ship and made his way to Naboo. His grandmother's home planet.

"Fitting," he thought.

From the place that spawned my family will I, its descendant bring an era of true stability and order.

As his ship started landing towards the outer edge of the city.

Vader pulled his hood over his head and started to make his way to the center of his grandmother's home planet. As he did so 2 guards saw him approach and moved forward to stop him.

While using the force he sensed other guards taking sniping positions and aiming at him.

Vader thought to himself  "Child's play"

He quickly pulled out his lightsaber before slashing the 2 guards in front of him. Before throwing it at the snipers killing them all instantly. As he called it back with the force he spin around before returning it right where it was before.

With the front guards disposed of the whole compound knew he was there.

"Good," he thought "Let them know their arrogance and pride will cost them dearly"

After making his way through the door he quickly spotted the workers that made their livings off the resources of the compound.

He had to kill them all. Not one of them could live. For if word were to reach his fath-Skywalker. Then his plans for the future would be over before they even began. As much as Vader would hate to admit it. He was still no match for Luke Skywalker at his current strength.

With that in mind, he quickly made his way through the factory slaughtering every living person that was there. Not hesitating. Without mercy. That is the way of the Sith.

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