Running from my suffering

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I had to get out of here. I had my answers. They hate me, fear me. Perhaps I should just go and help them forget their fears. I packed my clothes. At night I stole some of the food as well as some money for travel.
However, as I was packing I heard something. A voice. The same voice from before. "What do you think you're doing?" It asked harshly. "Running away from this pain. It's just too much." I replied with a small tear slipping down my face.
The voice made a sound that was eerily similar to a snort before saying "You heard them Kol they fear you, they fear your power, they don't want another tyrant like Vader around. Why don't we give them a reason to be afraid? Show them your true power. The power of Darth Vader's grandson".

That gave me pause for thought.
To follow in the footsteps of my grandfather.
To show them that I no longer need them.
To cause them more pain than they have caused me.
The answer was obvious however before I answered I said "Why should I trust a voice in my head?" I question. "Forgive me but that is a symptom of a person who is insane I don't know about you but I would very much want to be a sane person for the remainder of my life," I reply only half joking.
The voice chuckled darkly before saying "I will explain everything to you in time, however for now you will have to trust me as I only care for your well-being. So what do you say Kol will you trust and allow me to help to master The Dark Side of the Force or not?" The voice asks.

I don't hesitate to answer. "Show me master, the power of the Darkness and I will see my "family" suffer as they have caused me to suffer," I reply with confidence.

Somehow I could feel the voice smirk and then say "Very well however for you to truly master your hatred you must leave so that I can train you properly. My Apprentice."

I smile before saying "As you wish My Master." I get out the supplies I have packed and as I prepare to leap out the window the voice stops me "Hold on. Before we embark on this quest why don't we leave your family a "heartwarming message" about what you have done and why you want to do it. If they truly love you, it will cause them pain. Let them suffer by leaving them to wallow in their guilt over neglecting one of their own." This paused me before my face broke into a cruel smirk. I take out my holo-recorder and leave a message.

I then jump out a window and as I land I whisper "Soon they will feel my wrath."

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