"You wanna get out of here?"

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Zach's POV

"So uh, um, yeah I was just wondering if you-"

"-Hey hot stuff." I let out a sigh of defeat as yet another guy swung in and took the girl I was talking to. This was literally pointless. The night was basically over at this point.

I shook my head and walked back to where the guys were sitting.

"Still nothing?" Jonah asked me.

"Nada. Every time I even get within 15 feet of a girl someone else must sense it and slides in to steal her." I told them.

"Well looks like Jack found someone." Daniel said, pointing to the dance floor.

We looked over and he was dancing with some girl. But not, like, good dancing. Like, TERRIBLE dancing. Whatever, at least it seemed to be working for him.

"And Corbyn...actually he's got two..." Jonah said, taking our attention from Jack's terrible moves to Corbyn who was walking towards us with two girls. One of them looked overly excited to be there. The other, not so much. She looked miserable. I felt that. Big time.

"Hey guys. This is my friend Danielle from high school and her friend Mia." Corbyn said, walking over to us and introducing the girls.

The Danielle girl shook all of our hands and had a LOT of energy.

Mia just waved and continued to space out like she had been when she was walking over to us. She caught my eye though. Maybe it was cause I felt the same exact way she did about all of this. I don't know.

The girls sat down and began to talk to us. Danielle started telling us embarrassing stories about Corbyn from high school like when he got locked in the bathroom or lost his car keys.

Some time about halfway through, I saw Mia get up and quietly slip away to go over to the bar. I watched her the whole time.

"Zach?" Jonah asked and I snapped back to reality.

"Yeah, um what?" I said.

"Isn't that funny?" He said.

"Oh yeah. Yeah it is. I...uh...I'll be back." I said, getting up from the couch and walking towards the bar.

I searched through the crowd to find where Mia had gone. I looked around and saw her sitting at the bar by herself. I don't know how to really put it, but it was like the crowd had parted and there was a single spotlight on her. Like, she was alone, but also, everyone was around her. I don't know how to describe it. I pulled myself together and walked over to her.

Don't fuck this up Zach.

Mia's POV

I sat at the bar and pushed my straw in circles around my drink. Maybe if I got drunk enough this night would be somewhat enjoyable. I laughed to myself at the thought. Danielle's friend seemed nice and so did the rest of the guys. But I don't know...she was too busy catching up with Corbyn, which I got, I mean, they hadn't seen each other since high school. It had been a while. And after watching them in teract, I had a feeling I knew who the cute blonde boy from high school she always went on about was.

"Hey." I heard a voice say as someone sat down next to me. I turned to face the voice and it was the Zach kid who'd been sitting with the guys. Fuck. Didn't think anyone had seen me slip away for the group.

"Hey." I said, giving him a light smile.

"Zach." He said, stretching out his hand.

"Mia." I said, still smiling at him and shaking his hand.

As he was introducing himself, another guy slid his way in between us.

"Hey, maybe you let me buy you a drink?" He said, smiling at me.

I looked behind him and saw that Zach had looked away and started to get up to leave.

"Uh...no I'm good I'm uh...I'm kinda talking to someone." I said, pointing behind me and Zach stopped moving and looked at me, curious to see what was gonna happen.

"Oh c'mon. One drink." The guy said.

"No drink. I'm flattered but I'm already talking to somebody." I told him.

"Whatever. Not worth my time anyways." He said, scoffing and walking away.

I laughed and shook my head and then went back to my drink.

"No drink?" Zach said, raising an eyebrow.

"Like I told him, I was already talking to someone." I told him smiling.

"I know. I'm just amazed because every time that's happened to me so far tonight the girl has gone off with the second guy."

"Well he wasn't worth it." I told him, shrugging my shoulders.

"Are you kidding me? He's ten times better looking than I am." He told me.

"It's not all about looks Zachary." I told him, laughing.

"Well I mean...ok fair you're right."

"Besides, I'm...not really looking for anything with anyone right now anyways." I told him. "I was with someone for a while and we ended things and...I just haven't been ready for anything new yet." I explained to him.

"Yeah I'm not really looking for anything either. I'm only here tonight cause my friends dragged me here." He told me.

"That's a fucking mood." I said, laughing.

"Yeah." He said, laughing with me.

We sat in awkward silence for a couple moments.

"You wanna get out of here?" I said, turning to him.

"I thought you just said-"

"-no not like that." I said, laughing knowing what he was thinking, "I just meant there's better things we can do than sit here and scream over this music to try and talk to each other. And besides, Danielle and the guys are so busy doing their thing right now that they won't even notice."

He thought for a moment and then looked at me and smiled, "Let's do it then."

I laughed and grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the bar.

Maybe this night wouldn't be so bad after all...

I Don't Belong in This Club - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now