"She was in love with me."

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The next morning

I woke up feeling Mia move and wake up next to me.

"Hey how ya feeling?" I asked her.

"So hungover..." She said, sitting up on the couch, rubbing her head.

"Look I don't wanna start this day off on a bad foot but we really need to-"

"-ok one, I'm gonna have to ask you to lower your voice because WOW my head hurts. And two, I can't say I know exactly what you want to talk about because all I remember about last night is this: rooftop, crying, throwing up in an uber, falling asleep on your shoulder."

"Do you remember saying anything to me last night?" I asked her.

"I remember telling you how drunk I was." She said.

"That's it?" I asked her, kinda shocked she didn't remember.

"Yeah. Why? Did I say something else?" She said, looking at me confused?

"Um...no. No you didn't." I said, lying to her.

"So what did you want to talk about then?" She asked me.

"I just...um...I just wanted to tell you to just be a little more careful. You were really drunk last night. I don't wanna be controlling or anything but...you were just REALLY drunk." I told her.

"Oh trust me," She said, laughing, "I can assure you I will never be doing this again."

And with that she got up and walked to the kitchen.

I sighed and fell back into the couch.


Later that Week

"Hey I never asked you but what happened when you took Mia home Friday night? Like, was she ok?" Danielle asked me as her, Jack, and I worked on making dinner.

"Yeah she was good. Just...really really drunk." I told them. "I was a little worried not gonna lie."

"Did she say anything about Tyler? She hasn't said a word about him to me in a couple of days." Danielle asked.

"Well I don't know too much...but when she was drunk she told me that her relationship was over so I don't really know if they're still together."

"The relationship is over?? Did she say why?? Who broke up with who?? Was it a big fight??" Jack began throwing questions at me.

"Jack shhh!!" Danielle said, hitting him.

"Now Zach." She said, turning and grabbing me by the shoulders. "Tell us EVERYTHING that happened that night." She looked me directly in the eye.

"Ok I will but on one condition." I said, looking at her.

"What? What? Anything." She said, her and Jack looking at me, waiting for me to tell them everything.

"You CAN'T tell her what she said that night. She was so drunk she doesn't remember and...I don't think telling her what she said will make her feel any better."

"Cross my heart." Danielle said making a cross on the left side of her chest and walking over to sit down at the kitchen table.

Jack and I walked over and joined her.

"Alright. Here's what happened." I began, "When I walked up to the roof to see her she said her relationship was over. She didn't say anything else on the roof but she wanted to go home so I took her back here. She threw up in the uber and that was...that was fun. Then we got back here and I set her up on the couch and then she looked at me and said 'I'm a mess.' And I told her she wasn't but she said she was cause she ruined her relationship and I asked her what exactly happened and all she told me was that Tyler basically got mad at her because he thought she was in love with me. And I told her that obviously wasn't true and that we could make sure he knew that but..."

"BUT WHAT?!" They both yelled at me, hanging on the edge of their seats.

"Relax!" I told them, "I'm getting there ok? But she looked at me and told me I was wrong and that she...she was in love with me."

"WHAT?!" They both yelled again, their eyes popping out of their heads.

"You have to tell Mia she said that." Danielle said, looking at me.

"Said what?"

We all whipped our heads around and saw Daniel and Jonah standing in the doorway.

"Mia said she loved Zach the other night when she was drunk!" Jack blurted out.

"MIA SAID WHA-" I pulled them in quickly, slamming the door before they could finish speaking.

"You guys CAN'T tell her!" I told them.

"What do you mean we can't tell her?" Jonah said, looking at me.

"Because? Ok. She wants to fix things with Tyler. I can tell. Even if she really IS in love with me, she still wants him and I can't change that."

"You really think she wants him even after the other night?" Danielle asked me.

"I don't...I...I um...I just can't tell her ok?"

"Why not?" Danielle asked.

"BECAUSE I JUST CAN'T!" I said, snapping at Danielle.

"Oh...um...I'm sorry....I didn't-"

"-I'll see you guys later." I said, walking out the door.

"BUT WHAT ABOUT DINNER!" I heard Jack call behind me.

I didn't respond.

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