"Zach is NOT my lover!!"

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The Next Morning

I woke up and raised my head. Looking below me, I saw an unfamiliar body beneath me.

That's not Tyler...HOLY SHIT ZACH!!

As soon as I realized where I was, I heard Tyler coming down the stairs. I jolted up and off the couch trying to make sure it didn't look like anything had happened last night with me and Zach.

"What's Zach doing here?" Tyler asked, pointing to the couch confused.

"Oh he um...he got a flat last night so he called me to pick him up and I told him he could crash here." I explained to him.

"Oh. Gotcha. Should I make him breakfast?" He asked, coming over and giving me a kiss.

"Uh...yeah. That would probably be good. I can...uh...I can help."

"No it's ok. Why don't you just go upstairs and rest a bit more you seem tired." He said, smiling at me.

"Mmm you're too good to me." I said, smiling and giving him another kiss.

He laughed and I walked upstairs.

Why did I...feel...guilty??? About last night??? Nothing even happened. I had nothing to be guilty for!!

I picked up the phone and called Danielle.

"Pick up. Pick upppp." I said, knowing I didn't have a lot of time before breakfast would be ready.

I heard the phone be picked up, "Danielle. Look Zach spent the night at our airbnb and now he's here and I need to talk to you because I'm freaking out."

"Uh...Mia this is Corbyn." A guy's voice, Corbyn's voice, said over the phone.

Well shit.

"Oh um...hi...where's Danielle?" I asked him.

"She's asleep. What's going on? Why is Zach at your place?" He asked.

"It's...he got a flat last night and he just asked me to come pick him up." I explained to him.

"Ok so why didn't you just drive him back to our place?" He asked me.

"It's...it's not...um..."

"Mia, I know why he went out last night." He told me.


"Yeah, the guys know about her. Is he ok?"

"Yeah he's fine. He's still sleeping right now." I told him.

"So why were you calling Danielle about this?" He asked me. "You sounded like you were in a panic."

Just then I heard a knock on the door.

"Oh god that's Tyler...Corbyn one sec." I put down the phone and opened the door.

"Hey breakfast is ready. Zach and I are gonna start in if you wanna join." Tyler told me.

"Ok I'll be right there. Let me just finish my phone call with Danielle and then I'll join." I told him.

"Ok see you downstairs." He said, turning and walking away.

"Look, Corbyn, I don't really have time to explain why." I told him.



"Ok well, I'm just making sure. After all, you two have been PRETTY close since you guys met." Corbyn told me.

"Look, I gotta go eat." I said, ignoring what he had said. "Just...tell Danielle to call me."

"Alright well have fun with your lover." He said, laughing.

"Zach is NOT my lover." I told him.

He laughed, "I meant Tyler but I guess Zach is if you say so."

"He's not."

"Is too."

"Is NOT!"

"Ok well have fun with your LOVERS then."

I rolled my eyes, "Goodbye Corbyn."

And with that I hung up the phone.

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