"It just all came back to me."

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Mia's POV

"Hey where's Zach?" I asked, coming in and sitting down and joining everyone else for dinner.

"Oh. Um. He wasn't hungry." Jonah said, looking at Danielle.

"What? What was that?" I asked, noticing their exchange.

"What was what?" Jack asked, acting like nothing was going on.

"That look Jonah just gave Danielle." I said, pointing between the two of them.

"Nothing." Jonah said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Ok you're all lying to me but I'm just gonna let it go right now." I said, eating my food.

"Tell herrr." I heard Danielle whisper to Jack.

"And get Zach mad at me? Yeah, ok. YOU can tell her." He whispered back.

"No I'm not going to tell her it's not my business."

"Well it's not mine either."

"Ok WHAT are you guys TALKING about!" I yelled, throwing my fork down.

They all looked at me.

"I don't-I don't-I don't-what are you talking about?" Jack asked.

"I can hear ALL of you talking to each other and LOOKING at me like I have three eyes and two noses!! WHAT is going on??" I asked looking at all of them.

They all looked at each other and then back at me.

"Ok fine." Daniel said, speaking up.

"DANIEL!!" They all yelled.

"What?! We're really gonna keep this from her?!" He said, looking at them and they all sat back in their seats and let him start.

"How much do you remember of the night Zach took you home from the club?" He asked me.

"Not...much...but Zach filled me in on what happened." I told them, getting slightly concerned.

"Well he didn't tell you everything..." Jonah added.

"What? Yes he did. What are you talking about?" I asked them, confused.

"Do you remember why you were drinking in the first place?" Corbyn asked me.

"I was...upset because Tyler had called and-OH MY GOD." I said, covering my mouth with my hands suddenly remembering what I'd forgotten.

"What?" Danielle asked.

"Oh god..." I groaned, putting my head in my hands.

"What??" She asked me again.

"It just all came back to me." I said.

"You remember?" Jonah asked me.

"I do and...OH GOD!" I said, "Where is he???" I asked them.

"In his room." Daniel told me.

"I'll be back." I said, getting up from the table and rushing upstairs.

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