in the dark lying on top of you

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i hated the last two chapters (i edited them a bit btw) so this is so long to make up for that (although i kinda hate this one too). also, slight smut warning?? lol jk...unless

pete couldn't help but let every single one of his thoughts fill up with mikey. it was a two hour long flight- what else was he supposed to do? he'd already tried starting a conversation with the women in the seat next to him, but she was too standoffish. not very friendly. and she kept ordering the same drink continuously. pete didn't wanna push it.

most of the magazines on the plane weren't interesting enough and pete was bored. so very bored. but he was then reminded by the ding of his phone just where he was going. who he was about to see. and, oh boy, wasn't that exciting? pete was away from mikey for seven days. how did he last that long? he couldn't imagine what would've happened if he stayed the extra week.

but pete didn't wanna think about that. no, no. he wanted to think about mikey and nothing else. mikey's glasses, mikey's hair. his big bright eyes and raggedy t-shirts. mikey's hands, mikey's grin. and by the time pete got to that last one, he was in too big of a trance to get out.

the strange thing was, with mikey, there was always a blurred line between his traits and his habits. like, the things pete was most fond of- his favorite traits about mikey weren't even things that mikey realized he did. they were habits. the little movements and fidgets. blinking too fast and breathing too slow. swallowing hard between words and phrases that he'd say over and over. those were the things pete liked the most. loved the most.

and he loved the way mikey turned off his shyness just for him. he loved how mikey hated being around most people but didn't mind being around pete. even though he had a personality that went up and down in waves and, like, bad luck- but that couldn't touch mikey. pete wouldn't let it. he was possessive like that.

jeez, i love him, pete thought, and got immediately freaked out because he really wasn't expecting that sentence to pop into his head. not that it was wrong, really. it had just never been so point-blank, so straightforwardly said. well, not said, thought. but pete knew he loved mikey like a best friend, mikey was his best fucking friend. but now he was something different. something extra.

it made sense. love. it didn't usually but, pete loved enough things about mikey to be able to say he just loved him in general. not that he'd said it- or that he planned to any time soon. i'm gonna tell him, pete thought again,  just not now. he felt like it was a little too soon to go up to mikey way and tell him i love you out loud.

they hadn't been together very long to begin with, definitely not as long as some of pete's friends and whoever they were with. and pete and mikey were always going back and forth from fast and slow. it would be chaste and sweet for days at a time. more so friendly then romantic, even. and then later it would be heavy and deliberate- heated up. it was kind of confusing.

and he knew mikey well enough to understand that he wasn't the type to be super keen on label's. but he also liked balance and knowing exactly what he was a part of- so pete was surprised he hadn't pulled the "what are we? we're more then friends, right? are we dating?" card. they'd figure it out eventually.

by the time the plane landed and pete had picked his suitcase from the carousel, it was well passed lunchtime and he was starving. he got in line at the airport cafe for one of those overpriced sandwiches that weren't even good and sent a text to mikey. he had to catch a cab, too. his car wasn't at the airport anymore...

no one was home when pete got there. not that he was expecting his mom to actually be home- she worked a stupid job two hours away on the weekends. she left for work every friday morning and didn't come back until monday. and it had been too long since the last time pete saw her on a saturday. hemmy was whining in his crate- poor puppy. of course she would leave him in there.

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