intoxicated circulation

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this chapter is late because i couldn't stop playing fruit ninja. this is probably such a sucky chapter i'm so sorry. also i've never been on a fucking plane so i apologize if the last bit is inaccurate.

it was so early that the sun hadn't even risen enough for the beams to shine through mikey's window. and gerard was sat on the foot of the bed, he'd scared the hell out of pete once he actually noticed him. it was the morning after mikey's birthday- gerard was still home. pete had woken up to this, mikey's brother babbling about something. too early. he'd slept over at mikey's- because of course he did. and he was wide awake but making no effort to move at all.

sleeping in the same bed as mikey was so familiar that pete never thought of it as any different now that they were... whatever they were. something. strangers to best friends to something. but anyway, pete was used to dozing off next to mikey- even before. (and waking up with mikey's clammy hand griping his arm in his sleep- "nightmares." mikey said once after pete woke him up and asked if he was okay. but mikey never said what they were about.)

they were fast asleep until gerard opened the door without knocking and poked at mikey's face until he woke up. and if mikey was awake, then pete was awake. "the fuck, gerard? it's like six in the morning," mikey said, feeling around for his glasses. "i told you about- shup up, let me talk- i told you what happened at wentz's house that one time, right? in the bathroom?" gerard said, talking over mikey who closed his mouth and shook his head. 

pete wasn't really listening to the conversation but he perked up a bit when he heard his name. "oh. shit. okay well i was so shit-faced and i made out with some guy and then he jerked me off," gerard said. really, like, casually. and pete laughed at the way mikey crinkled his nose. "um, ew? why are you telling me this?"

"because! you know i don't remember shit when i'm drunk. i had no idea who he was until yesterday! i met him at your party!" mikey's party...there wasn't a whole lot of people at mikey's party that could've been a possible past hook-up of gerard way. then again, pete didn't know much about gerard unaffiliated from mikey. who knew what kind of person he'd hook up with.

he thought for a second, it could have been gabe. maybe. "gabe?" mikey said, and pete smiled at how they thought the same way. but he figured gabe was probably too hung up on william for that to be true. "no- no, god no. are you serious?" gerard was the one making a face then. "who then?" gee looked down, the casualness fading away. "patrick."

there was a pause. "patrick? but he- you- he's- he was after you all last year and you never-" but gee cut him off again, "i know! and it doesn't matter anyway because i'm in college, i couldn't be with someone right now. with how busy i am and all. it was just nice to meet him. now i won't be wondering who he was." mikey was just looking at him, "i'm so confused, what the fuck? there was literally no reason for you to tell me all of that." and pete laughed.

a month later and nothing had really changed for pete. and mikey. always and mikey. because there wasn't much of either of them without the other. peteandmikey. it was always them going to school together and staying up too late and sneaking out. pete kissing him, firm and never sloppy because it didn't feel right if he wasn't putting all he had into it. mikey wearing pete's clothes and holding onto him- being clingy. always on the same page. doing whatever they wanted.

they hadn't talked at all about it but there was some kind of silent agreement that this- this thing they had was, like, confidential. under wraps. but it's not that they wanted to obsessively keep it a secret- that would be exhausting. but it didn't have to be public knowledge to anyone but them, either. and mikey always forgot that pete was actually, like, popular.

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