Buddie - Almost to late

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Trigger warning!! Mentions overdose, suicide and drug abuse

Funny note though I accidentally tried to hand this in to my English teacher as homework, she said, "Crystal Heart (not my real name obviously) why does this say Buddie Almost to late instead of unsolved?" I snatched the paper back and filed around my pockets for my correct assignment.

After the lawsuit the 118 began treating Buck like crap. They didn't give a monkeys that he had turned down millions to be with them again, they were focused on how selfish he was being. And boy did they remind him daily of it. They purposely left him out of things and Bobby wouldn't even allow him out on any serious calls. There was one person who stood by his side, his rock through out all of this. Athena. The mum he never had, the one that actually cared where he was and what he was doing. She was his ray of sunshine in a dark stormy world.

With everything he had been through with everything he had done for his 'team' they threw him out like rubbish. What ever happened to having each others backs? Oh wait it was always Buck having theirs but no one being there for Buck. "October 18th," Buck whispered alone in front of a small cupcake and a candle in the firehouse, no one had remembered his birthday, "October 18th happy birthday Buck," he lit the candle briefly before blowing it out to eat the cupcake. Not even his sister remembered. The trucks pulled into the barn underneath him covered in mud, he could only guess his next job, "Buckley making your name useful and clean the rigs!" Bobby yelled as the rest of the 118 sniggered, there went his plans to have a birthday cake for himself.

Five minutes had passed and he was already cleaning the rigs when Eddie yelled, "Dick what do think your doing stealing my auebela's cupcakes?" "Be careful Eddie he might sue you," Coleman chuckled from behind Buck. He felt a wet floor sign being thrown at his back, Buck put up with all of this in hope of getting his family back but the voice had already taken over his head. 'Your worthless,' 'Your exhausting,' 'Your better off out of our way,' words sting just like the physical bruises they caused.

Clock struck 2 he was off shift three hours before everyone else but he had other plans for his birthday. Once he shut the door he had a quick power nap before getting up to stare himself down. He looked awful, he felt awful, there was nothing left to live for. Carefully he opened his bathroom cabinet and pulled out an old bottle of oxytocin, gently he shook it. Good more than half a bottle. Buck found a sheet of paper and a pen before sitting at the kitchen table. He wrote a long letter to the 118 and everyone else in his life saying exactly how they made him feel. After all they had pushed him over the edge so now they will have to live with the weight of there crimes. He texted one final 'Love you' to Maddie and Athena before emptying the bottle of pills into his hand.

It took only seconds for them to take affect as Buck collapsed to the ground. Seeing clearly became a task as his vision tunnelled towards a brilliant light that was so warm and inviting. Buck stopped fighting, he was finally happy, he was finally free.

Later that evening Maddie stopped by to drop off some food she'd swiped from the firehouse but couldn't find Buck. Instead she found the note. Scared she turned his apartment upside down to find the lifeless Buck in his living room. She checked his watch it had recorded the time his heart had stopped beating, even if she wanted to save him he'd been dead for hours by that point. His skin was dull and his brilliant blue eyes lost there sparkle but there was a faint smile on his lips. It hit her like a tone of bricks her brother was dead. "9-1-1 what's your emergency?" "Josh hey it's me Maddie," "You okay is there something wrong?" "No it's Buck. He. He," she croaked through her tears, "He committed suicide in his apartment it's his birthday today too," "Mads I'm sending corneas now are you sure it's a suicide?" "Yeah I found the note he left. I'm still coming in tomorrow I need a distraction but if I seem distant don't tell anyone why," "Done and done."

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