Evan Buckley - I was Sophie

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Trigger warning ⚠️: homophobia

I will come back and rewrite eventually I am just clearing my drafts for a bit.

Sitting with the 118 they were in a flurry of conversations Buck could barely focus with the constant fear his homophobic aunt would appear out of nowhere. Him and Eddie had been dating for sometime and Buck with his head in Eddie's lap is a little obvious. "Excuse is Sophie Buckley here?" A middle aged woman smiled asking Probie, "No, there's no Sophie Buckley in this house but there is an Evan Buckley?" She scoffed, "Of course she hasn't changed, Sophie!" The woman called climbing the stairs, "Sophie I'm talking to you?" She demanded different from her previously sweet tone, "Sorry but I'm Buck not Sophie," "When will you grow out of this phase," "I wouldn't call 15 years a 'phase' Aunt Pauline what do you want," "Rude Cally is getting married and she wants you to be a bridesmaid she's picked out a lovely dress and I'm willing to pay for someone to do something with your hair it doesn't highlight any of you feminine features you look to masculine Sophie," "Please use my correct name and pronouns," "No need to be-," "No what get out. Go get out," anger was radiating off Buck as the woman now known as Aunt Pauline stomped out, "Sorry about that she's a total bitch transphobic and homophobic," "Who the hell is Sophie though?" "Me, Sophie's my dead name wasn't how I was going to tell you but surprise I'm trans have been since I was 14!"

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