I'm so grounded 3/3

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This actually happened at my school, made regional news and like Avery I had front row seats to watch it even though I was a lonely year 7 with no clue what was going on. Would attach a link to the article if I wasn't still a current pupil (year 9 now, happened Friday 11th of October 2019). Fight was amusing to watch though!

Avery returned to school the following Monday still on crutches. It was peaceful, teachers were keeping a close eye on her so she doesn't cause trouble. It was Friday and Avery had done as promised and stayed out of trouble. It was break two when she caught wind of commotion behind the House hub in between the gym. Some graduate climbed the fence used his school knowledge to come in the English block and pick a fight with a junior between the English block and house hub. Avery got frontline seats for the fight. Students all knew the graduate and therefore had no issue with the kid picking a fight. Suddenly teachers came rushing out and the broken bell rang instead of typical bell that ended break. All students knew the broken bell for was the school to go into lockdown. With teachers trying to round up students they all bolted either back and round into the house hub where the one way windows would give them perfect view or forward to the left and into the side doors by the gym and up into the classroom that was never used above the changing rooms. Avery couldn't do stairs so she was in the house hub, her phone was recording every detail. She even recorded the cops turning up.

After the excitement had worn off and the pupils were sent home Avery hobbled her way over to the 126. "Hey dad did you hear about the break in at school it was sick. I got front row seats to the fight, poor Toby wanted to take care of some unfinished business with that junior and the bloody jerry bags got involved at the wrong time. Still sick that I got the whole thing on camera though," Avery loaded the video and showed all of them, TK took longer then the others because he was sending the video to himself for Carlos. It would become handy later on. "Avery I will never understand you," Owen chuckled watching the video himself, "I blame the manufacturers," took a few minutes for him to understand but he rolled his eyes at his odd child. 

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