TK Strand - Glasses

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Leaving New York meant TK had to tackle his biggest problem, reading. He couldn't resist a good book especially a murder mystery, LGBTQ+, smut. Owen said he'd rather have a son addicted to reading then drugs, oh wait, that was his favourite joke no matter how much it pissed his son off. He had glasses but rarely used them aside from reading, the clear/white frames suited him. Owen never knew the extent of TK's collection till he saw the two large boxes completely full and heavy. Judd would call him a pussy for enjoying reading so he only ever read when everyone else was asleep, he was currently reading Of Mice and Men and felt the tears drip down his face when they were killing the poor dog. "TK are you crying?" Marjan asked on the stairs, TK quickly slotted his book mark in and stuffed the book behind his back, "Sorry did I wake you?" "No I was already awake since when did you where glasses?" Oh shoot he had forgotten to take them off, "Since a while look just forget you ever saw me down here?" "TK Strand what are you hiding?" "Nothing," his voice sounded clogged a clear sign of his lies, Marjan dived forward and snatched whatever was behind his back. "Of Mice and Men? Why do you have shame in reading?" "Because of Judd. He's a tease and I don't know. Reading is a way to escape for a few pages, a few chapters, I can pretend, I can pretend I live in a townhouse in London's city centre, a castle in the Scottish Highlands, I can pretend I have a story to tell. A life story. Even some of the extra's filler characters have a better backstory then me," "Don't say that? I'm sure you've done some interesting things in your life," "Like what? I once saved the window washer from the 44th floor of the Chrysler Building, but as has every other New York firefighter. Many survived the towers, saved people from the Empire State Building, it's nothing and it never will be 'something' Marjan," "Have you considered a therapist seems to me you have underlying issues," she dragged the s sound as she put her head in her hand, TK glared at her putting his glasses on his head, "So no," "That's why I pretend to have it all," "See your point now, I'm going to go back to bed you better shut that light off soon though," "I'm almost finished my book."

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