Bobby Nash - Fighter

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Brooke survived the fire that killed her mother and her brother, she was mad when she found out it was started by her farther leaving a space heater unattended in his den. She forgave him though took a while. Moving to LA was a fresh start for them both it gave Brooke a chance to shake the bullying and finally peruse her love of martial arts. The 118 loved Brooke she was so happy and just radiated positive energy. They moved during the summer holidays so Brooke had been in LA over a month by the time she even considered going to school. Brooke and Buck were INSEPARABLE, they were both as stupid as each other by some miracle they cancelled one another out.

"So Brooke what's the school situation?" Hen asked as the two passed out the dishes, "Not sure been enrolled in Mountain Valley High School, bit of distance but I can ride," "What do you mean?" "Street credit, I built my own bike back in St Pauls, Minnesota. Dismantled it brought it over," "Impressive," Bobby chuckled, "Yeah she can be a little silly sometimes but she's incredibly intelligent and I am so proud of her. But yeah for heaven's sake if you do drive your bike to school wear a helmet!" Buck looked interested but was told not to even think about it. The bell rang and the 118 zipped off with Brooke climbing into the spare seat. She hung back overlooking the scene till kids about her age (16) caught her attention. They were on the other side of the beach staring at her, "Got some admirers over there Brooke?" "I don't know find out later."

Brooke was in a corner of the barn working on her bike, she was coming down from a high so she was a little shaky. The trucks were out while a LA cop came through the door looking for Bobby, "Excuse me I'm Athena Grant from LAPD I wish to speak to Captain Nash," "He's out on call but I'm his daughter Brooke," "Oh kinda guessed as the trucks are gone, anyway cool bike by the way," "Thanks saved the parts and built it myself, don't worry Sergeant Grant I have a license and it's all registered," "Please call me Athena," the trucks rolled in and Brooke excused herself to help guide them in. Bobby climbed out first presumably because he saw Athena, by the hand action and the touchy feely between those two they had to be a couple, "Great a cop for a stepmother," Brooke cursed, poor Athena being dragged into her mess of drugs and the fight club.

Athena ended up joining them for lunch, Brooke avoided her for all she's worth so Athena wouldn't smell the drugs on her, "Brooke is there a reason why your avoiding me?" Athena finally asked, "Actually she's been at arms length from everyone," Bobby added, Athena took a step closer and caught a strong smell of the drugs but she chose to remain quiet, "Brooke can you and I have a word?" She nodded and followed the older woman downstairs and into the locker room, "Your high aren't you?" "Coming down," "Where's the stuff Brooke?" "You aren't my mother," "But I could tell your father," "Fine," she popped open her locker on the bottom row and pulled out the bag of pills, "Got any more?" "At home I have a small box," "Next time I come over slip them in my bag and I'll turn them in. Understand?" Brooke nodded quietly, "Now my suggestion is you have a couple of breath mints and sort yourself out." Athena's accent spat the words out of fury before tossing a packet of mints at me. Great now she have to worry about Athena to now.

Well true to her word Athena stopped by that evening leaving her duffle bag pocket conveniently open, quietly Brooke slipped the box into the bag before leaving for the fight club.

Brooke was selected for the star fighter that night and therefore had the most fights. She stood to the side of the ring in a grey tank top, blue sports bra and loose black shorts, her body was littered in bruises, drenched in sweat and blood. She examined her scarped and bruised knuckles, "Hey got any wrap?" Brooke yelled at a burly man not to far from her, "Sure Knockout!" That was her nickname 'Knockout'. She was tossed the tape which she used to wrap her hands for her next fight. Sirens blasted half say through this fight but they ignored it as it passed there building. "Run!" A voice yelled as cops flooded in, Brooke's opponent used the distraction to deck Brooke right in the face. Brooke was extremely dazed from the punch but somehow still managed to get away before running up into the old lockers and shut herself inside one. After she thought everything had calmed down she left the locker room to lerk in the shadows above. No one was being arrested they were all being treated by a familiar looking firehouse.

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