Their wretched whisperings (prt.2)

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Part 2 pog!!
Also, MCC let's gooo- I need to finish watching it lol-
-Loss of control
-Graphic descriptions of injuries
-Passing out
-Mention of self-harm
-Mention of death
Tell me if I've missed any

>>>>3rd Person PoV<<<<

Time ticked slower in his eyes, the liquid in his veins froze, the seeping blood from his wound never stoped though. Fatigue crossed with pain. Sleep seemed so welcoming now. It seemed so easy to give in.  To just leave.

They were still there. The same whisper, stitching itself into his mind, until it was embroidered into his thoughts. "The fates shan't let you win. Never will the fates let you win." Again and again. The stabbing pain scraped at his side.  They had done that. The faint whispering in his ear. They had done that. His blurred, red vision. They
had done that. The dripping black blood. They had done that. He hated them, despised them. And the agony they had brought in their presence.

Darkness clouded the edges of his vision, blood pooled in his mouth, it's scent poisonous. Tommy's voice was muffled. The snowy breezes weaved in between his hair. The blood dripped from the wound onto the white below them at frightening rates. Techno was sure he'd never had a wound as big and as severe and that he'd never lost this much blood before.  He couldn't feel Tommy anymore, he couldn't feel his comforting arms around his shoulder.

His muffled hearing caught the sound of his name getting called, maybe a few bangs on a door, and all of a sudden warmth rushed over him. But he couldn't feel it.

His vision blurred, he felt himself getting lifted but that was it before the world was drowned in darkness.

>>>>>Wilbur's PoV<<<<<

The wind battered itself against the windows, snow flying with it. The pit of anxiety at the bottom of my stomach seemed to grow by the second. The fire was lit, crackling and warm. Phil had tried his best to calm me down but to no avail. Tommy had been gone for what must've been hours now, Techno had been missing for days. Slowly, my worry was eating its way into my sanity.

Phil was someplace else, he said he'd gone to the basement to make some potions because we were low on stock. So I was left alone with my troublesome thoughts, staring outside into the dark, angry storm as it battered the landscape.

There were hard pounds against the spruce of the front door. "Open the door!" Tommy- that was Tommy's voice. I rushed to the door, unlocking it. My eyes were met with the sight of Tommy, cold and exhausted, and a limp, wounded Techno in his frost-nipped arms. "My gosh- Tommy, get him inside quick, quick!"
The younger stumbled in, heaving in tired breaths. I helped him carry Techno over to the couch.
"Phil! Phil, we need you!" I yelled from the top of the stairs leading down. "Ok, I'm coming." There were hurried footsteps, and soon enough, the anxious face of my father greeted me, "What's wrong, Wil?" He asked, as he made his way up the stairs. "Techno's hurt."
"Can't explain, he's in the front room."
>>>>>Phil's PoV<<<<<
Blood. Black and pouring surrounded Techno. Worry filled my mind.  It's no good to worry, I have to help him.
"Wilbur, bandages and healing potions, quick." I ordered, walking over to examine the wound.
I crouched down, gently removing his cloak and shirt, uncovering a deep, unnaturally shaped wound. It wasn't the usual gash, it was more rounded, and bleeding out blood as dark as midnight. Withered blood, but it's not a wither wound.
Wilbur returned, three mauve vials and two rolls of white cotton in his hand. He set them down on the coffee table and I took vial. Uncorking it, I tilted Techno's head back and poured it into his mouth, the wound got smaller, though not by much and it was still bleeding. "I think we might need milk."
"Ok." Wilbur scurried into the kitchen, returning shortly with a glass of milk. Again, I poured some of it into Techno's parted lips and the bleeding lessened significantly. "Why is he bleeding withered blood? It's not a wither wound." Wilbur's voice was lined with uncertainty and fear.
"I don't know." My answer was quiet as I checked Techno's pulse and carefully moved him so he could breathe easier. "Tommy, what happened?"
"I- I found him in a clearing, not to far from here luckily, but his eyes, they were that scary shade, dark red. I thought, maybe they'd gotten him. And he attacked me but they seemed to back off. Techno calmed down but that's when I saw the wound. I don't know how he got it, or why it's black but- but he said that they got too loud and-"
"Self-inflicted. He did it to himself. Or more accurately, They did it to him." My voice shook as the realisation dawned on me.
"Wilbur, come here a second, I need to just get the stitching set."
I moved quick, the longer the wound was open and bleeding, the harder it would be for Techno to make it out of it.

"This is getting to out of hand." (Anyone Else thought of Frozen?) Wilbur mumbled as I started stitching. "If they keep doing this to him, surely, someday, he'll die because of it."
My face fell as I pulled the stitches through, carefully closing up the wound.
"We have to do something." Tommy's eyes stayed on the fire as he spoke.
"I just don't know what." And for once in my life, a feeling of helplessness overcame me.
~~~~~~~Time-skip sponsored by Philza's wings~~~~~~~

>>>>>Wilbur's PoV<<<<<
The night was silent. Tommy was asleep on an armchair in the lounge, Phil had went upstairs after he finished patching up Techno but I hadn't moved from my place besides him. I didn't know if I could stay awake, having not slept for the past week, but there was no way in the Nether that I was going to leave Techno's side.

The silence was broken by a soft mumble. Techno. My head peeked up from its place at the foot of the couch. I shuffled over to him. "Techno?" The whisper contrasted with the night.
His eyes fluttered open. "W-Wil." His voice was weak.
"How you feeling?"
I ran my hand through his hair, attempting to calm him. "Wil, they're back."
"Oh. It's ok, I'm here. Just focus on breathing ok. They'll go away."
His breathing hitched, caught in his throat. His irises flickered from their hazy cocoa to an unnatural shade of crimson. My heart thumped against my chest. From their crimson, his eyes fully dilated. He wasn't in control, I could tell.
I shuffled back a bit, tinges of guilt penetrating my fearful thoughts. And from his mouth Their wretched whisperings escaped, in a voice distorted and horrific. "The fates won't let you win. Never will the fates let you win."
Their wretched whisperings.
(: Hope you enjoyed that. As always, have a lovely day, leave me a vote/comment if you did!!

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