Unexpected Friendship

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Paris is lovely because of the streets' golden lighting. Esha walks out onto the hotel room balcony, where she enjoys her latte while admiring the Eiffel Tower's architecture. She decides to say hello to the mom she spotted pushing her child in a stroller while walking her dog."Good morning, Mrs. Stellar! Isn't this a lovely morning?!"Esha is seen waving to the woman when the woman looks up at the hotel balcony. Esha wholeheartedly agrees, which is why she made the decision to go down the lane to Cinderella Park." Esha loves Paris above all other cities, which is why she arrived here in the first place. However, Cinderella Park was her most favorite and most memorable location in the entire city of Paris. The park stood in front of the famous Eiffel Tower, and its setting is beautiful. The park's walking path was lined with snow-like spring blooms that dropped along the path. Millions of visitors gather in the park's main area to experience thrilling rides and munch buttery popcorn from large buckets. Every July 14th, on Bastille Day, it was the place to be for the most fun and excitement. Esha was eager to attend the annual carnival because today was Paris's national holiday. In less than ten minutes, she swiftly got ready and packed her bag with necessities, including her phone with the butterfly cover.

This is what she was wearing:

Esha was having the time of her life at the carnival

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Esha was having the time of her life at the carnival. She went on a lot of rides, participated in activities, won prizes that she distributed to the little kids, and enjoyed a variety of sweets along the way. She went to the car to get the keys, but she couldn't find them. Three men came up to her out of nowhere, and she immediately sensed something was off. "Hey, you look gorgeous and hot today, girl. Do you want to join us at the celebration? For a girl like you, it will be very enjoyable." "No way! Wander off!" Before she could run, the group's leader grabbed her wrist, and she bit the man. They tied her hands with a rope and cupped her mouth with a cloth. She removed with her teeth and yelled for help. "Someone help me!" An adult woman which looked like she was in her 20s quickly ran to help me. She pushed the people away and punched and kicked them with her strong arms. They ran away because they were frightened. "Are you okay?" "Yes! Thank you for saving my life!" The girl smiled at me and responded, "It is nice to meet you. I  am Marinette Dupain-Cheng or known as the superhero Ladybug." "You are kidding right?" "Nope! Why don't you see for yourself? Tikki Spots on!" She changed from a normal girl to the famous Ladybug of Paris in the burst of red light! Esha found it hard to understand that she had only recently learned who the superhero was. "Woah! You are incredible! I am your number-one fan! I apologize; I believe I failed to introduce myself. I am Françoise Dupont High School's teacher, and my name is Esha Tony." "So now that Ms. Bustier is retiring, you are the new teacher taking her place. I've heard that you're a patient and compassionate teacher. The school was legendary, or should I say miraculous, when I attended it." As Esha laughed, Marinette gave her a wink. "We are best friends forever starting now, okay?" "Ok!" Esha requested Marinette to ride with her on the subway back after the two girls exchanged hugs. "So, where are you going to establish yourself professionally?" "I'm moving to New York City to attend Asterra College, where I'll keep teaching language arts and drama." "Wow, that's amazing! Are any members of your family present?" "Yes, my parents, grandparents, and two younger sisters, Angelina and Evana, are all there. However, I was unable to bring them along." "Should I treat you to ice cream, my favourite?" "Sure!" They both visited Andre's ice cream shop and shared their appreciation of his Parisian treats with him there. Suddenly, a boy with blonde hair and emerald eyes greeted Marinette. "It's lovely to see you, Mari. You were greatly missed." The blonde hugged Marinette as her rose cheeks began to change to a bright pink hue, making it obvious that she was flushing. "This is my best friend Adrien, and this is my crush Esha." Hehe!" "Adrien, it's good to meet you. A very brave young lady, Marinette. You should have seen her fighting with her legs and fists when she defended me from those terrible people today." "What I thought Marinette was a softie." "Never judge a book by its cover." Marinette explained to Adrien as he laughed and Marinette did too.  "What a cute couple", Esha thought to herself but stopped before the words came tumbling out of her mouth. Andre called on their numbers and gave them the ice creams. Esha got a yellow scoop on the top and a caramel scoop on the bottom with chocolate sticks, Marinette's was a mint chocolate chip with a pink raspberry scoop on the bottom and Adrien got a blue scoop on the top, purple scoop on the second, and a third scoop which was watermelon with a cherry on the top. Esha was aware that Marinette and Adrien both had crushes on the same person because Marinette's had an Adrien design and Adrien's looked like Marinette. Esha could tell that Marinette felt like she wanted to lay her head on Adrien's warm shoulder for the rest of the time as they shared ice cream with spoons in their hands. But shortly after, she sprang up and seized my hand. "Marinette, I almost forgot to mention something to you. We are now officially dating, Kate and I." Marinette suppressed her emotions and plastered a smile on herself. "That is incredible. You two were created to be together. She has had a major crush on you ever since college! Anyway, I should leave at this point. I'm sorry for how I treated you. Bye!" Marinette sprinted to the nearest restroom in a café as she escaped the unpleasant situation. Adrien groaned and smiled regretfully as Esha trailed behind her. Marinette sobbed inside the bathroom as her bluebell eyes ached from crying. With some paper towels, she cleaned it up. "Are you okay, Mari?" As soon as Marinette noticed Esha consoling her, she leaped. Esha, no. I'm doing great." Esha, however, recognized Marinette's strange behavior. "Why don't you leave right away and we can talk over coffee and macarons?" Esha and Marinette sat down in the high chairs and placed their orders for espresso and mixed macarons. "Mmmm! Not bad, but mine are superior." "What do you mean?" " My father owns a bakery called Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. It's Paris's best bakery. Why don't you meet my parents on our way back?" "Sure! Would you please?" While eating the French macarons, Marinette swirled her coffee. "What is the problem with Adrien, then?" As Marinette moved away, she cast a peek at Esha. "The story is long. Three years ago, Adrien had just started attending our school. I was led to assume that Adrien was responsible for the gum incident by Chloe. He was polite to me, but I was so pissed off with him that day that I ignored him constantly. After that, I came to the conclusion that Chloe had lied and Adrien was innocent. I had no idea how to get home because it was raining, but Adrien gave me his umbrella and grinned at me. I fell in love with him right away after that. Cat Noir was my crime-fighting partner as Ladybug, and while he also sort of liked me as Marinette, he was in love with me in that guise. But each time, I would tell him I loved someone else instead and reject him. But he is my best friend, and I trust him more than anyone else in my life. Kitty was always there for me even though I traveled with Adrien to places like New York, London, and Shanghai in China. In the last three years, I've felt a growing connection to both Adrien and Cat Noir. I was devastated to learn that Adrien was in love with Kate today. The issue, though, is that I still love him more than anybody else, despite my best efforts to deceive myself that I no longer feel anything for him." "Marinette, you are in love! I'm not believing it." Marinette swung around to see Adrien Agreste, the famous model or the boy of her dreams and the son of Gabriel and Emily. "What brought you here? And everything I just mentioned is false news rather than the truth." "Hahaha! You nearly caught me, but I assume you are just a friend. See you soon Mari!" Adrien with his graceful smile walked gently out of the room and when he was gone, Marinette's heart dropped and Esha seemed to realize it. 

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