Heros of New York

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Marinette POV:

After months of waiting, Siddharth and Ashi finally got married, and it makes me beam with joy. It allows me to remember how much I once loved Adrien, but the idea of him marrying Kate makes me sad. All those days that we spent chatting and playing with Alya and Nino were wasted. I can understand why he would be overjoyed to wed her. Also, I have another doubt that I have been considering for a while. After a year of waiting, my kitty has still not come to visit. He used to come and see me on the rooftop while I was Marinette in civilian form while we were fighting side by side as Ladybug and Cat Noir. I miss his crazy cat puns, flirtatious antics, and the times when he felt like a best friend you could reveal everything to. I feel as though I lost myself when I lost him since I'm no longer the same lively Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I often know that I love him more than Adrien. My phone started to ring, and it was Master Fu calling, which hadn't happened in a long time. This was the most bizarre event that had ever happened. He insisted that I meet him right away at his house when he called.

Ashi POV: 

"Sid, get up." I shout as I rise from our comfortable bed, "We are going to be late for work and today is Monday. I had more time to sleep, but the alarm was going off. "Oh Ash, come on. Just five more minutes." His eyes awaken as I remove his cover. I give him his cup of morning tea, which I made myself. Our manager informed us that our group will be meeting a special person, so we quickly get ready to leave for work. I asked myself as I was ready to unlock the car and climb inside, "Who could it possibly be?" Ring! I answered the call as my phone began to ring. " Hello, this is Ashi Singh. Who is it?" "Hello, my name is Master Fu. Marinette must already be familiar with me because she is the one who provided me with your phone number. Right away, come to my address. The matter is urgent." I inform Siddharth that I have to go see someone, and he promises to meet me there and orders a taxi.

Esha POV:

Since I can now speak with Isaac after a long period of time, this is a dream come true. On their first day of spending time together on their own, I wonder how Siddharth and Ashi are faring. I was putting the final touches on my work as I prepared to give a checkpoint to my science students. Even though I have plenty of paperwork to complete and emails to check, I would much rather be with my friends right now rescuing the world. Superheroes are extremely fortunate to solve puzzles and vanquish villains. I hope Mari had at least some of the Ladybug form's confidence, even if she doesn't have the opportunity to be Ladybug any longer. Just then, I received a call from someone. "Good morning; I'm Esha. I am sorry but I cannot identify who you are." "I am Master Fu, the protector of the miraculous. Please meet me in the Royal Garden neighborhood at 1243 34 Street. This is significant." "All right Master Fu!"

* 1243 34 Street in the Royal Garden

The door was opened by Master Fu when he heard a knock. "Master Fu, hello. Why did you ask us three to come over?" "Come upstairs, and I will explain." Master Fu shows the girls the miraculous box after he has unlocked it. "Master Fu, what's the problem?" Since Hawk Moth has already been vanquished, Marinette is perplexed as to why he called them here. They are shown a mirror by Master Fu, which mysteriously revealed to them a lair behind them. It was pitch black, and a recognizable man holding a scepter was saying, "This is just an awesome person for my newest Akuma. My old friend was raging with vengeance. She is brimming with rage and shame, which is the perfect combination for my beloved Akuma." As soon as he entered her bracelet, Chloe became akumatized. "Anti bug, the girls made fun of you in front of the entire group, and now you're upset because the manager stated you weren't good enough to be Superhero Ladybug. I grant you the opposing magic yet the same powers as Ladybug Owner. You'll get stronger and prove who the real hero is. All I need is the miraculous from Ladybug and Cat Noir in exchange. Are you ready for this?" "This is the most ready this hero has ever been. Yes!" Back to the girls and Master Fu sitting in shock, the scene changes. "This is awful! One of the toughest targets for Hawkmoth is Antibug or Chloe. First things first, let's defeat this Akuma before we figure out who the new Hawkmoth is. We need to solve this mystery right away." Marinette was the lucky owner of the earrings of the Ladybug with the miraculous ability of creation first when Master Fu turned to her. He then offered Esha a brooch as he turned to face her. "Esha I offer to you the phoenix, a creature with the power of fire, a symbol of knowledge and loyalty. It's a Combustiblade, the weapon. Firebird shall be your name. Say flarere burn to transform! I have faith that you will use it for the greater good." Esha gladly agreed, her eyes glistening. He finally turned to face Ashi and offered her a choker made of beads. "Ashi Singh, I offer you one of the strongest miraculous powers: the power of the dragon. It symbolizes the strength of perfection. Ryouko is your name. You are armed with a sword. Say "Longg bring the storm." I have confidence that you'll take it to good use." Since Ashi had always wished she could be a superhero, she hugged Master Fu. "Cat noir waiting for you. Now Set out and begin the mission New York!" The three courageous women transformed into superheroes and travelled by using Ladybug's yo-yo till they came across Cat Noir. "M'lady! You were greatly missed." Cat Noir hugged Ladybug back as she hugged him. Esha shouted, "Awwww!" They are suddenly shot by a blonde girl dressed in a black suit with red polka dots. Ladybug started using the yo-yo to leap out of the buildings instantly. In order to launch shots at Anti Bug, Firebird used the spell fire stream, which generated fire and heat. The spells were cast by Ryouko using the elements of water, wind, and lightning. Cat Noir eventually realized that the bracelet is what created her problems. He grabs the bracelet with his claws and cries, "Cataclysm!" Using her lucky charm, Ladybug transforms the Akuma back into a butterfly as it takes flight. "Miraculous Ladybug!"Antibug transforms back into Chloe. The girls leaped and gave each other high-fives. They detransform and hide behind the building The girls now protect New York whenever the akumas manifest after this incident. The reintroduction of Ladybug and Cat Noir excites the media, which frequently mentions it. Due to their widespread news, the new superheroes also rose to legend status. Ashi and Esha's hopes for the superhero stories come true. The fact that Marinette's kitty is once again back in action makes her ecstatic as well.

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