ch7: argument with Jazie

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Casey's P.O.V

-months later-

I had woken up and got dressed into another one of my new outfits that I had gotten on Sunday. After I was done I used my curling wand and curled my hair. I applied very light makeup mainly because I ain't need to look like a damn 3 yeah old colored on my face. Once I had walked down the stairs I seen Drake sittin at the table.

Drake: "about time"

Me: "shut up"

Nicki had walked down the stairs next still in her pajamas. Drake was still sittin in his seat and was pratically drulin, and when he had wiped off the drule I said

Me: "about time"

Drake: "girl shut up I can stare at whats mine"

Jordan had came down the stairs next sayin

Jordan: "Casey where da food at?"

Me: "in the ice box"

Jordan: "what's it doin there?"

Me: "gettn somethin that we can't"

Jordan: "girl food can't get anything more then us"

Me: "yes it can"

Jordan: "what is it gettin that we can't"

Me: "sleep and no criticism"

Drake: "damn I never realised how lucky food is"

Nicki: "food does get criticism"

Drake: "how"

Nicki: "when we eat the food we judge it, and if we like it we finish it"

Jordan: "so food only gets sleep"

Me: "yeah eternal sleep"

Drake: "can someone make me some breakfast?"

Nicki had walked in here and made Drake some Fruit Loops then added milk. She had put it down in front of him and said

Nicki: "eat"

Drake: "will you feed it to me?"

Me: "it's just a bowl of fruit loops"

Drake: "you don't know this now but when the fruit loops come to kill you because of that statement don't scream my name for help because all I'm gonna say is 'It wasn't just a bowl of fruit loops'"

Jordan: "fine we'll leave your fruit loops alone"

I seen from the corner of my eye that Nicki was silently and slowly eatin his fruit loops, and when he had turned back to her she had a spoon full ready for him. He had compleatly turned around to face Nicki and I started cooking eggs, backon, and grits.

-school parking lot 15 minutes before school-

We had just arrived at school and Nicki said

Nicki: "y'all's cars should be here by next week"

Me: "ok"

Nicki: "and you can ether ask your boyfriends to drop you off or you can call Drake since he doesn't have anything to do today"

Jordan: "ok"

Me: "Jhakeen isn't my boyfriend"

Nicki: "then what are you if almost every time someone looks up you two are kissing and almost never apart from eachother"

Jordan: "correction. Me and her are always together like nerves to the brain"

Me: "we're just friends"

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