ch. 5 1st day of school and at the mall

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Their outfits are above. I haven't gotten any questions for the characters to answer so I can't do a question and answer. I have changed my mind about inboxing me the questions though. Instead I want you to put your question in the comments because I can now view them. Remember that for the questions you put the persons name that you want to question. Now that I'm done you may now enjoy this chapter.

Casey's P.O.V

-4 am next morning-

Once I had woken up at 3:30 went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, change out of my pj's, and do my hair. Since school starts at 8:30 I've got lots of time to cook breakfast after this. Since Nicki had showed us our room during our 2 hours of discovering, we could now get dressed in our rooms. So I had added some curls to my hair once it was strait. My outfit consists of a matching floral crop top and skirt, 1 gold chain, denim jacket, and a pair of Jordan's. Once I walked back down the stairs Jordan was missing and both Nolton and Jhakeen were dressed and watching Ridiculousness, so they didn't notice when I had walked to the kitchen. I had decided to make some eggs, bacon, grits, and biscuits. Once I was done everyone had ran to the kitchen and when I say everyone I mean errbody. Even Jordan ran in here and she wasn't done with her make-up. Talkin about make-up I still gotta put mine on. So once I finished I had went back to my bathroom in my room to do my make-up. I had finished at the same exact time that Jordan had finished eating. Since Jordan had taught me how to perfectly do my make-up a couple of days ago, I'm teaching her how to perfectly do her hair. Now because she can't really do waves or curls yet I have to do it for her sometimes in the morning. I'm guessing once she had finnished geting dressed and putting on her make-up to math her outfit she came in. She was wearing a black crop top that said 99 problems, 3 gold chains, all white nike's, a plaid skirt, a gold bracelet, and golden earrings that said ratchet on them.

Me: "Jordan how do you want you hair today?"

Jordan: "just like yours"

Me: "ok"

So once I had finished her hair we had finished we took some pictures and posed them on Ingram. As soon as we were done with that we had walked down stairs.

Me: "Jordan it's almost time to go"

Jordan: "ok"

When we made it to the bottom the guys both said something to each other but I couldn't hear what is was.

Jhakeen & Nolton: "come on lets go"

Me & Jordan: "ok"

-10 minutes later-

As soon as we had pulled up to the school and I got out walking to the entrance with Jordan, I heard wolf whistles and seen lustful stares for boys and glares from girls. As soon as we had made it to the front office it had gotten a little bit quieter, and we like to wear these kind of outfits just to get these liked of reactions out of some people. Now you see when a glares at you when your first here then most likely they're the fake or 'popular' people in school, but not for long though.

Secretary: "Hello, how may I assist you?"

Me: "we're new students here we would like to have our locker numbers, combinations, and schedule"

Secretary: "name please"

Me: "Casey and Jordan Min-"

The chick just cut me off, but I guess it was ok because it was a phone call. Right after the phone call she said

Secretary: "I'm sorry that I cut you off now were you 2 the of you are the daughters of Nicki Minaj right?"

Jordan: "yes ma'am"

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