Meeting Ayo (last chapter...maybe)

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Years later

Casey's P.O.V

Hey guys, sorry I didn't take y'all the the rest of my life but it's all good now. At this point, I'm currently single. I found out that Jhakeen was cheating on me with some girl that he met in the club and got her pregnant. On top of all of that, this nigga had the audacity to look me in the eyes and try to tell me that the baby boy wasn't his when the baby looked just like him. Then when I tried to tell him to take care of his responsibilities he continued to say the baby wasn't his and that he'd get a DNA test to prove it. I told him that if it said that the baby was his then we were done. In my head tho, we were done the moment the baby was born. Anyways, that's enough about that. I've started modeling and a lol bit of acting. While Jordan is going to college for Child Protection Services. Nolton didn't kind it but he knows that there's nothing that he can do to change it.

Jordan and Nolton are now on their honeymoon since they got married a week ago. They're so in love that it's gross sometimes. While they're out wherever they are, I'm babysitting their daughter Mackenzie. She is two turning three next month on the fourth. She is so adorable.

Well those were the only things of importance that happened. Everyone else is either going slow in their relationship or wildly having sex with each other... everywhere.

They've been trying to tell me that I should get with this one guy that we've seen all over the internet with his brother. I think his name was Ayleo. I'm not 100% sure but I think that was his name. Him and his brother Mateo are dancers. They've danced with a few celebs. I know that Usher was telling me that Ayleo had a crush on me. He told me this when he dropped his sons off at my house to babysit. Oh shit I forgot to mention. I also babysit celeb kids in my free time. Other people that babysit celeb kids try to get thousands of dollars out of celebs for one kid which I found stupid. I agreed to help out as long as it didn't interrupt my life. On top of that directors and producers don't care if I have the kids there as long as there's not more that 3 and all.

Anyways when Usher dropped his sons off, he had went on and on about this Ayleo dude and when the girls heard of this, they were all for the idea of me dating him. I don't even know the nigga like do they expect me to just up and leave to search for him. Do they understand that I do have a life?

I haven't seen any pictures of him, but according to the girls, he is "totally hot and totally my type" whatever the fuck that means. Enough about that though, I gotta get me and Mackenzie ready to go to sky zone.

"Mac, baby girl, it's time for you to get dressed."

"I don't want to."

"Do you still want to leave? We can stay home if you want to"

"I uhh where we go?"

"It's going, and we will be going to sky zone then shopping"

"Ooo, there's new shoes out now... right?"

"Yeah, but the store is holding them for us that's why we're going to sky zone first"

"Oh yeah, you're sorta a 'big deal' is that why they're holding them?"

"Sorta, I am a big deal baby girl"

"Shut up and help me get dressed"

"Lil girl, yo mouth gon get you put outside with the dog"

"But Juju is an inside dog" Juju is my baby. She's a yorkie. She keeps me company when I don't have someone's kids in my house since I like kids but I don't want any of my own.

"Not right now"

"Ugh, why are you a butt hole" Mac tried to say till I said

"Ugh why are you like to momma"

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