ch. 2: wait a second? what?!?

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Casey's P.O.V.

Now we are currently sitting in Nicki's limo when she asked me

"What kind of car would you like?"

"Wait your gonna buy me a car?!?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I"

"Well because of the fact that you like literally just got me and I'm underage"

"When has age ever effected my decisions"

"You have a point...well in that case can I get a Bugatti then"

"what color?"


"ok any designs?"

"yeah zebra print"

About 30 minutes later we arrived at her mansion and boy was it huge. Once we walked in I seen Drake just lounging on the floor.

"Nigga why the fuck are you laying yo dirty ass on my floor?"

"Because I slipped while dancing."

"Well get the fuck up off my floor."

"But I just got comfortable"

"Nigga I don't really care."

"Okay then but I'm gonna get somethin well deserved later"

"Drake don't talk like that around our child." she responded to him in a warning tone.

I then decided that I should join the conversation, so I said, "Yeah."

"What's your name?"


"How old are you?"

"Uhh, I'm 15"

"Therefore you go to high school"

At this point, I'm obviously super confused on what's going on with all these questions.

"Uhh, yeah?" I mean like I didn't mean to sound so confused on rather I'm in high school or not, but this is where I just gave up on trying to make any sense of the questions.

Obviously I'm not the only one confused since Nicki found the need to open her mouth and say,

"Dude get to your damn point over here actin like you the damn po po and is about to arrest her."

"Well my point is that she has either herd, done, seen, or said worse then that."

"True, true," I said.

"Which one(s) was it?" Whatever curiosity that she has is hoping that my answer is only the more innocent option. I looked at her with full reassurance and said,

"It was heard, but I remember walking into a teachers classroom once at the wrong time."

"What did you see?" ...does he ever run out of questions? It seems like he has a new one every few seconds! It better not be like this the whole time that I live here.

"I seen the principal on top of the math teacher. To this day I still don't see why she chose him of all people cause like he is in no way attractive and he was somehow married. Like all the single teachers there and she chose to mess with a married, old, bitter, bald dude. But I mean like I wasn't complaining since just knowing that kept me from getting any type of punishments." I responded then shrugged my shoulder. Drake just busted out laughing to the point that he almost fell.

"Nicki I absolutely love this girl, and I'm so glad that you adopted her instead of a 5 year old. Now Casey did you happen to have any friends that were somewhat like you and in the place?"

Adopted by Nicki MinajWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt