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Casey's P.O.V

Jordan: "I dare you to kiss Jhakeen for 5 minutes"

Me: "ok"

Jordan: "but I thought that the last time we had played you said that you would do anything as long as it didn't involve kissing"

Me: "that was last time this is a whole new game with completely different people besides last time you said the same shit"

When I said that both Jhakeen and Nolton had the face like they just won the lottery. Like they were sitting there with the face of pure joy, happiness, and confusion with a hint of surprise. But I can't blame them like we are really cute and hot.

Jhakeen: "how come y'all said that the last time but not this time?"

Nolton: "yeah it's confusing us"

Me & Jordan: "nigga please you 2 looked more like y'all won the lottery then confused"

Me: "now can you answer why you were soo happy?"

Jhakeen: "we asked first"

Jordan: "if she answers first will 1 of you answer our question?"

They looked at each other and made a disicion. We had figured that they wouldn't say yes, but I guess we can be kind this one time and tell them. Even if our question isn't answered. Just then Jhakeen had just whispered in my ear

Jhakeen: "you know your really hot when you're confused"

Me: "thank you, but is that your way of saying I'm not gonna get the answer in actual words for a while unless I figure it out myself?"

Jhakeen: "yep"

Me: "figured"

Right after that Nicki had called us

Nicki: "GIRLS"

Me & Jordan: "coming!!!"

When we had reached the front she had said

Nicki: "it's time to go"

Jordan: "can they stay the night since we all are going to the same school?"

Nicki: "sure"

Drake: "noooooooo"

Nicki: "why?"

Drake: "because if they stay the night then we can't do certain things"

Me: "I'm pretty sure your code sucks because we have already figured out what it ment"

Jordan: "and I'm pretty sure that they have at least done that once"

Drake: "I don't think they have"

Nicki: "well I think they have"

Drake: "you think everyone has...I bet you even thought that Casey and Jordan had sex before we adopted them?"

Nicki: "no"

Drake: "why was that?"

Nicki: "you can figure it out from the how people look and how they act"

Drake: "so explain to me how you came to the decision on the girls"

Nicki: "ok so looking at their pictures they look like they were the type to go to a party but never get drunk. Like they would get about 3 or 4 shots just to loosen up"

Me: "damn she was exactly correct"

Drake: "now tell me exactly what happens at every party that y'all go to and why you go"

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