Chapter 1

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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




I sat back in the leather seat and looked out the window of the Gulfstream, staring at the plane's shadow as it raced along the ground. We were coming in for a landing at the private airfield at my grandmother's estate, and I was watching the shadow slowly grow to merge with the bottom of the plane. It was always a little private game to play, anticipating the slight bump of the wheels hitting the ground. It had been a smooth flight so far, and I smiled at the thought of seeing my grandmother again.

Unlike the three adults sitting further up in the plane.

My parents, Max, and Harriette Schwinn sat talking in harsh whispers with my Aunt Karen. I couldn't help but grin whenever I saw her. She had started getting terribly angry at the Karen memes on the internet, without realizing that she herself was the head Karen of the Karens. But she didn't want to see your managers, she wanted to see your soul. Preferably while you groveled before her. I detested the woman and was sure that whoever had started the whole Karen meme trend must have met her and channeled her inner bitchiness. Truthfully, I wasn't fond of my parents either. They had grown up privileged and with more than enough money to do whatever they liked, but instead of doing something useful for others with the money, or growing their seed money further, they had squandered it on vacations and material crap. My aunt blew all her cash too, though mostly on house after house, car after car, and her binges with alcohol and whatever designer drug she was on today.

This trip to my Nana, my father's mother, was just them hoping to get some more money out of her while disguised as a family trip before I started my senior year at school. They were desperate for her to turn the family's businesses over to them so they could immediately liquidate them and live on the proceeds. They wouldn't want to own the actual business, because owning it might mean they would have to work. They just wanted to get the cash so they could live on endless vacations. That was what they had done for most of my life, so that I was raised by an endless parade of nannies. But now the money was almost tapped out, and they wanted more.

Much more.

I was just hoping to enjoy a few days seeing my favorite person in the world. My Nana was the only family member I could count on, day in and day out, and she had even learned how to use her smart phone last year so she could text and facetime me when I needed a talk. She never judged me, and was always supportive, and I couldn't be luckier to have a person like her in my life. Not for the first time, I wished I could have lived with her instead of my absentee parents.

The plane finally touched down with the lightest of jolts, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't get many chances to fly with my parents always taking the private jet to whatever vacation spot they were headed to, so I was still a little nervous about the landings. The takeoffs and flying itself were fine, but for some reason the landings made my insides squirm. I stretched as much as I could while remaining in my seat, watching my parents and aunt standing and walking around. A small part of me wanted the plane to take a sharp corner while taxiing, but that was being petty. I also knew that the pilot, Captain Miller, was a pro and wouldn't do anything like that.

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