Chapter 40

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"You were banished!" My mother screamed, standing from the throne. I saw my brother Barruk standing near her right hand but backing up a few steps as he took in the situation. He had always been the smart one, he'd make a good king.

"Yes, I was banished, and I left this world, but Holl and Vittan decided I should be dragged back," I assured her. "I held up my end of the bargain. Either they did that on their own, or it was at your command. Which was it mother?"

"You violated our laws and must be held accountable!" She growled, ignoring the question.

"Ahh, yes our laws. Tell me, mother, which of those did I violate? Because I don't recall a single law that I didn't obey," I stood before her; my arms crossed in front of my chest. The two guards from the gate were behind me, but I knew they would do nothing, and Barruk just sat on the stairs letting us talk. This would just be settled between us.

"You consorted with the enemies!" She yelled at me, "Those filthy humans should have been killed, not taken as a mate!"

"Those humans ended the war for us mother," I spat back at her. "They killed Talkorn, they destroyed the nexus so that none may follow him. Our world is free because of my mate and his friends, and you would call them an enemy? They were our greatest allies!"

She looked back at me in shock, she obviously had no idea that the war was over. "And where is your mate now?" She asked with a snarl.

I breathed deep, trying to retain my composure. "He is on his own world, as I would have been if not for the treachery of Holl and Vittan."

My mother's lip curled with disgust. "You would have gone with him? That human?"

"You banished me, and he is a better mate than any other I could have chosen. I would have gone with him anywhere," I admitted clearly, seeing her eyes widen at the admission. I had the satisfaction of seeing Barruk nodding in support, however.

"You bring shame to this house, your race, and me," she growled deeply.

I just smiled at her, speaking softly. "And what about the shame you have brought, mother?"

"I am the queen! I bring no shame to this nation!" She bellowed.

"Have you seen the village on this island, the one that wasn't allowed to evacuate? What happened to that scout that the Oracle told you would die if you sent it? How many dragons died because of your pride and inability to accept the truth?" I demanded, breathing harshly. Had she just listened a little when we had all appeared together, the outcome of the war might have been drastically different. "Now we'll be rebuilding our population for generations, and our citizens feel they cannot trust us. But you think you brought no shame?"

"They were humans and could not be trusted!" Spittle flew from her mouth as she raged, incapable of admitting that she may have been wrong.

"They should have been trusted more than you were," I said coldly.

Her eyes got cold at that, and she calmed herself, staring back at me. "So now what, you seek to slay me and rule in my stead?"

"Of course not mother, I have no interest in the throne, I only wish to find a way to return to my mate," I admitted with a soft smile. "But I do seek to slay you, if only to let Barruk be king. He would be a far better ruler than either of us," I added loud enough for Barruk to hear.

"He wouldn't be king, Holl would," my mother sneered once more.

I took my finger, running it through the blood on my chest before licking the coppery tasting fluid off. "Holl is dead, he cannot be king. He and Vittan violated the banishment agreement, and I defended myself."

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