Chapter 32

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None of us slept well, mostly fitful dozing as we waited for any noise or sign that Talkorn's forces were nearby. I was shocked that they hadn't attacked in the night. With their high-tech weapons, they could have easily done so and been successful. I guess even their modern equipment could only move so fast though, and Helen had told us that today would be the day, so I shouldn't have been surprised. I stood up and stretched, I had a feeling it was going to be a long day today.

I got a little fire elemental going in a shallow sand pit and then got several of the fish that the villagers gave us cooking over it. If we were going to fight today, hopefully we could do so with full stomachs. The fish sizzled on their sticks as the others started to become more aware of their surroundings. I felt Quin hug me from behind, pulling me into her and I turned to wrap my arms around her as well.

"Good morning beautiful," I whispered into her neck, adding a lingering kiss as I did so.

"I don't think I'll ever get sick of hearing you say that," she murmured with a small smile. I could tell she was still feeling down, but not nearly as bad as she had been the previous night. After the confrontation with her mother, I wasn't sure she'd ever be over it. If I'd I ever felt like my parents had loved me, I'd be in the same boat after they tried to kill me. I'll probably have a harder time with my Nana being a part of this, but thinking about that would have to wait till I saw her again. Assuming we could get back home.

Once the fish was done, I passed them around, and we ate them in a rather uncomfortable silence. None of us knew exactly what to say, or what to do.

"Justin," Helen called out to me. "The war is going to end because of what happens today, but it is up to you as to which way it ends."

"What do you mean?" I asked, I had no idea what I could do, I didn't even know what forces were going to be going up against us!

"All I know is that for the dragons to win, you have to defeat the attacking forces, and Quin will have to protect you. I'm sorry but I can't say more than that," Helen apologized.

Awesome, well that helped. Now I know exactly what to do. How the hell do I defeat a bunch of missiles and helicopters, especially when I don't even know how many there are? Or where they are? Could I just make a big wave again? Or a windstorm? I don't think a rock wall will do much, and so far, fire has done nothing but cook. Can it do anything else? I don't need a little power supply, so lightning is useless as well. Are there other elementals that aren't known? How would I find that out? Not that we had a lot of time, the attack could be starting at any moment!

There goes my appetite. I only picked at what remained of the fish, not in the mood at all anymore.

"Does anyone have any ideas?" I asked glumly.

"A big waterspout?" Dee suggested.

I thought about that for a bit. "It might work for the stuff around here, but those missile launchers could be miles away, and they'll still kill anything in the air."

"Maybe a storm with the air elementals?" Quin suggested. I had only made little spheres of smoke with the air elementals, so I wasn't sure how much I could get from there, but it might help. But, I still wasn't sure if it would affect the missiles. I just didn't know enough about my powers and how they would affect the enemy.

Any further discussion on that topic was suddenly stopped as we heard the distant sound of helicopter blades beating through the air. It was like hearing your least favorite song played at max volume by some asshole in a car with the windows down and driving right past you. The sound just kept getting closer and closer, and I didn't want to hear it. We looked at each other for a moment, then sprinted for the beach. There was a line of six copters coming from the direction of Talkorn's base, which wasn't a surprise. They were just tiny specks in the air but growing larger every second.

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