Chapter 4

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Nobody likes group projects. It doesn't matter what stage of schooling you're in, nobody wants to have to rely on another person to do work for a grade that affects you. That doesn't even account for the personality issues that can arise during the work itself. When Mr. Greene told us in Biology that we'd be doing a pairs project with the people we were sitting next to, I was already inwardly groaning. Luckily, it was only a two-day project, so it wasn't going to be a huge deal for anyone's grade. Just my sanity.

Dee was just thrilled that she was going to work on it with me. I didn't mind that too much, Dee was one of the smartest people in the school, and as much as she loved to flirt, I knew she'd be working as hard on the project as I would. It didn't hurt that we had an interesting subject, which was the spontaneous changing of sex in frogs. I'd been interested in that after seeing Jurassic Park ages ago, so I'd already done some reading on it.

"Dee, feel like coming to my place after school and we can knock out the pairs assignment?" I asked.

"Seriously?" She replied, her eyes getting as round as saucers and her hands clasped in front of her.

"Dee, it isn't a big deal, just doing some homework," I pointed out.

"Fine, to you it is just homework, but to anyone else in the school it is a huge deal," she explained. "You've never invited anyone there, ever."

I thought about that for a bit and realized she was right. With no real friends, I hadn't ever hosted a party or had a sleepover or even had people over to hang out. "Well, I guess you'll be the first then," I admitted. "You alright with that?"

"Are you kidding? Of course, I am!" She squealed. "The entire cheer team is going to be pissed, they were hoping to get up there with you."

I looked over at her with my eyes wide. "They what?"

"Justin, you know almost everyone in the school is into you, but they know you're not into anyone else. I'm just the only one not giving up, but everyone else has hopes," she smiled sweetly.

"Well, I guess your persistence gets you the first visit then," I grinned back.

After the last bell, we headed out into the parking lot through the rush of other students doing the same. Being a private academy, the only options were either students having their own car, or parents doing the pickup line. While that meant more comfort than a bus, it also meant a huge line getting out of the parking lot. Dee and I were patient, and let the other cars leave first, then I had her follow me in her little silver Mercedes so she could get to the house without getting lost. Once we were through the gate, I led the way up the driveway and parked off to the side. Dee got out and looked all around like she was at an amusement park or something.

"Oh, come on, like your house isn't gigantic!" I laughed at her.

"I know, but still, this is all new to me! Let me enjoy it!" she pleaded.

"How about I give you the tour, and then we can get some snacks and get some work done," I suggested.

"Yes!" She yelled as she jumped around in a circle and making me grin at her happiness.

I guided her up to the front door and opened into the foyer. "Here, drop your school stuff here by the stairs, we'll grab them when we're ready to get some work done," I pointed at the floor by the curved stairs on the right side of the foyer, and we both dropped our backpacks there. I lead her do the other side of the foyer and the stairs that led down, showing her the weight room, sauna, and game room. "This here is the cinema room, though it is the middle of renovation," I opened the door to see that it is completely spotless, even the concrete floor had been polished. I wondered what it would look like when it was done.

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