Chapter 36

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Earth elementals aren't quiet. Even when you tell them to be, there just isn't much they can do to dampen the noise they make when they're shifting rocks about. Thus, it wasn't exactly a surprise to hear voices once the doorway was clear again. "Come on, the General wanted us to check out any sounds in case the dragons are digging their way in. Get the rockets ready!"

I held my hand up for everyone to stay still and be quiet, trying to think of a solution. I thought about the earth elementals and directed them to the floor of the passageway beyond the wall, staying in the stone below the soldiers. This was so different than the solders in the helicopters, I could distance myself from the men inside the machines, even though I knew I had taken their lives. This was going to be something I would see as soon as I did it.

But I knew we had no choice. They'd kill us just as soon as they saw us, and they were slavers intent on killing or capturing every sentient being on this world. If they weren't evil, then they condoned it. I just wanted to protect the people of this world along with my friends and mate. I gave the command to the elementals. An earth-shaking slam shuddered through the walls, and Quin quickly hurried past me into the passageway. Helen followed, her pistol drawn, while Dee and I stayed behind. I didn't really want to see what I'd done, and I had a feeling that Dee didn't either.

Helen poked her had back into the hanger. "Come on, its safe now," she said solemnly. "Here, I have a gun for each of you. I know you don't want it, but it might be necessary in an emergency," she handed each of us a pistol and showed us how to use the safety. I really didn't like the idea of carrying it, but she was right. I swallowed harshly and headed through the door into the passageway.

There were four bodies, all of them broken to some degree. The elementals had done well, crushing them against the ceiling, they never had a chance. I felt bile rise in my throat, and I could hear Dee stifle a sob behind me. We had seen the bodies out in the base, but it was different when the blood was still seeping out of them right in front of you. I tried to look up to avoid seeing the bodies, but it was just as bad, with blood dripping off the ceiling where the men had been crushed, and I just grabbed Dee's hand and walked quickly past the area, down to where Quin was waiting for us. I was barely able to keep the contents of my stomach down, but it was close.

We made our way down the hallway slowly. The only other room I could remember between where we were and the nexus was the room that had the generator and air handlers in it, and then we could get through to home. Would my grandfather be here? Would he let us go or would we have to fight him? I was almost shaking with anxiety, and I leaned against the wall for a moment. "Guys, hold on a second," I gasped out, bend over and fighting for air.

Quin quickly came over and knelt next to me, wrapping me up and pulling me to her. "Shhh, we're almost there. You can do this," she put her fingers under my chin and lifted my eyes to hers. "We can do this together. I'm right here with you, as are Dee and Helen."

I simply nodded. I knew she was right. I didn't want to fight any more, but hopefully one more fight was all it would take. As much as I hated to say it, my grandfather was going to have to die, otherwise he would just keep doing what he was doing to this world and who knows how many others?

Quin leaned closer and kissed me softly, her warm lips bringing me back to reality. "Are you going to be okay?"

I took another deep breath and stood up straight. "I'm good. Sorry about that, I was just freaking out a bit."

"If it helps, I've been freaking out since we got here," Dee admitted with a smile.

"We're going to make it. We're all getting home," Helen promised. I hoped that was one of her visions, but I couldn't tell. It helped to hear it from her though. "I'm taking the lead. Justin stays with me. If our grandfather is there, he'll want to talk to us before shooting."

Quin was silent for a moment, and I could tell she didn't like that plan. Honestly, I didn't like it either, but it made sense. If Talkorn was still between us and the way out, he'd fire as soon as he saw Quin, but he'd hesitate if it were us. Dee stayed back with Quin, holding one of her hands with both of hers.

"Does anyone remember what is between us and the nexus? I can only remember the electric room," I asked.

"There is a turn to the left up ahead, then one to the right before the electric room, and then straight to the nexus," Helen stated confidently. "I don't know if there will be more people coming, or what, but we will be careful."

We walked down the hallway slowly, Helen taking the lead slightly as we approached the corner. She peeked quickly around the corner, then pulled her head back before sliding it out for a longer look. I heard her breath out deeply as she rounded the corner and kept going, her gun at the ready. My heart was beating rapidly as I followed her, noticing that she had a second gun and a combat knife tucked into the back of her pants. In case of emergency indeed.

Another corner, another peek, then Helen was suddenly racing down the hall and jumping into the electrical room. I hurried after her, not knowing what she was doing, but when I got to the room, she was standing over the body of a soldier who lay face down on the floor and wiping the blade of her knife off on his shirt. "What happened?"

"Sorry, the room was so close I figured it would be the perfect place for a sentry before the nexus. I didn't want you to follow too close in case it got messy, so I ran," Helen just shrugged. "Now we have a clear path to the nexus gate."

A few moments later, Quin and Dee caught up to us, Dee averted her eyes from the scene and stayed out of the room. We all joined her out in the hallway, and then kept walking, there was nothing else to do. I was getting tired, but there was no way we could stop while in the tunnels. Even retreating to the base would be a waste of time at this point, as we'd be in the same position we were in before. We had to keep moving forward.

We walked faster, Helen in front with her gun ready to fire. Anyone we saw at this point was an enemy, and there were no corners between us and the nexus, just some distance. Soon enough, the inky black curtain became visible, and we kept walking until we were almost to it.

"I should go first," Quin suggested.

"No, absolutely not," I said, my hand on her chest. "Helen and I go first again, if there are humans or my grandfather, they won't expect us, and it might give us some time."

"Justin is right, let us go again," Helen agreed. If we're not back in a few minutes, then follow us. But stay back a little in case there are a lot of men."

"Can I go too?" Dee asked timidly.

Helen moved over to her and wrapped her in her arms, kissing her deeply. "You stay right here with Quin, baby girl. She's going to protect you till I get back, Alright?"

"I don't want you to go!" Dee whimpered softly. I knew that they had become close over this trip, but their relationship seemed to have blossomed into much more than lust, and I was thrilled for them both. If we got out of this, I hoped they stuck with it.

They had the right idea, and I wrapped Quin up in my arms, or as much of her as I could anyway. Her heart was beating heavily against my head as I nestled it between her breasts, and she leaned down to hug me as well, placing a kiss upon my head. Sometimes she made me feel like a kid whose parent was sending them off to school and it warmed my heart to know how much she cared. "We'll be fine, just protect yourself and Dee. I love you," I reached up and slid my hand through her hair, pulling her mouth down to mine and kissing her tenderly.

"I be back with you soon, my mate," she whispered back, her tail twitching in nervous anticipation.

"Come on, let's go take care of this," Helen muttered, pulling me out of Quin's grasp and towards the gate into the nexus.

"You sure about this?" I asked nervously.

"Oh yeah, this is going to be a blast," she grinned.

I took a deep breath and stepped through the gate, side by side with Helen. 

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